Goddess Morrigan: prayers, symbols, books and more [Guía] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Morrigan is one of those goddesses truly appreciated and worshiped in the witch community, but also one of those deities whose origins and main characteristics became a bit confusing and were lost to history. Let’s find out everything we need to know about Morrigan.

Who is Morrigan?

Morrigan, also known as the Lady of Darkness, is present in all Celtic wars and instills violence, strength and anger in soldiers, although she is also known as a synonym for love and sexual desire in Celtic mythology. Morrigan is a powerful deity with warrior stamina from extraordinary Celtic tradition. Her name (Old Irish “Mórrígan” and Classical Irish “Móirríoghan”) has been interpreted as a great queen, derived from the prefix Mór- meaning “great, important.” “The Great Queen/Ghost Queen. By: mythology.wikia.org”

Many meanings are attributed to her name, such as “queen of ghosts” (from the Germanic mahr = nightmare) or “queen of waters” (water in relation to female entities is present in all religions: female divinities are those that purify and give life, like the water that fertilizes and heals the earth).

What is Morrigan a goddess of?

Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of war, death and destruction.

myths and origins

The origins of the goddess Morrigan are still unclear: the meanings and versions recognized for her are many and even scholars have not yet found a consistent definition.

She said she kidnapped little boys to keep with her until they became brave knights. Her warlike vigor is the same that invests her exuberant and insatiable sexuality; It seems that the goddess seduced the knights before the start of the battle and then led them to victory.

Morrigan is a combative goddess, a symbol of violence and carnal love. There is no single description of her appearance; She can be seen as a woman with long black hair, dressed only in black feathers, or as a sensual girl with blood red hair.

Although linked to destruction, this goddess also represents initiation; It destroys, yes, but in order to rebuild, to make emerge, from those same rubble, a new cycle, a new beginning. Strong oppositions like the one just described are peculiar to the goddess Morrigan since, at the base, one’s personality, one’s soul that is rich in facets. We have known her together as a singular goddess, but the name of this divinity refers to other female faces, other characteristics, other stories that are intertwined with each other.
Morrigan (Anu), Badb, Macha and Némain are included.

The triskele, a Celtic symbol, is a vortex with three rays and is the representation of the triad embodied by the goddess Morrigan, a triad formed by the three figures of Badb, Macha and Némain. The three female images represent birth, growth and death, therefore the three aspects that the goddess can assume: Virgin, Mother and Crone.

In a war context, Macha, covered in black feathers, expresses the most combative aspect of Morrigan and this is the name with which the goddess was invoked in battle or during bloodshed. Badb, on the other hand, is the giantess who appeared to the soldiers the day before the battle, near a stream, with the intention of rubbing the clothes of the warriors who had died in combat. Finally, Némain is the frantic spirit of the chaos of war, whose voice guided the soldiers into battle. The three deities never appeared at the same time.

At the end of the battle, the goddess Morrigan assumed the appearance of a raven; all the corpses of her protected from her dead in the war were collected near her and the cry of the animal was the voice of divinity that spread in a mournful and desperate dirge. The crow ate the corpses, but destroying them meant transforming them to regenerate them.

The goddess Morrigan is not only a symbol of destruction but also of fertility.

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Morrigan figures

His personality is in fact double: he is death and birth, good and bad, positive and negative. That’s why he also associates with Anu. In this sense, the goddess Morrigan would represent a divine triplicity different from the warrior where Anu is the lady of fertility, Badb is the mother and finally Macha is the one who presides over death. This is the triad that would represent the three phases of the goddess.

Bad B

The figure of Badb, like that of Morrigan, is associated with war. Under the guise of a crow, his appearances were an omen of doom. Some sources describe her as a very strong woman, who usually washes clothes near a river. The clothes that she holds in her hands and that she carefully washes are the clothes of the soldiers who will die in battle. This is also why Badb represents foresight and knowledge.

Badb Catha. John McCambridge.


Macha is the goddess who presides over war and death and is connected to horses and sovereignty. Wife of Nemed, she was a prophetess. In Cath Maige Tuired, her death is described at the hands of Balor during the second battle of Mag Tuired. Macha curses the men of Ulster.


Later, after Macha’s defeat, Némain appears along with the Morrigan and Badb sisters. She, with the sound of her voice, led the soldiers into battle. But not only that, her songs also accompanied the fallen towards the kingdom of the dead. Often, Némain and Badb were seen as the same deity. Typically, these charming Irish goddesses, thanks to their similar characteristics, have often been confused with each other; This made it difficult to delineate its different and mysterious figures.

the morgan fairy

Morrigan, thanks to late medieval culture, has become the great fairy Morgan in the Arthurian or Breton cycle. Morgana, Arthur’s half-sister and rival to Guinevere and Merlin’s wizard, is the priestess of Avalon, gifted with superhuman abilities, including being able to change her appearance.

Morgan le Fay by Frederick Sandys (1864)

a bit of myth

A famous myth, passed down from the Ulster cycle, is the myth of Cù Chulainn. This is the name of the hero with whom the goddess falls in love and to whom, in the form of a beautiful girl, she reveals her love.

The knight, however, rejects her and suffers the wrath of Morrigan, who assaults him several times, changing her appearance each time. The moment Cù Chulainn manages to defeat her, the goddess will appear to him as an old woman milking a cow. Only when the hero accepts the milk offered by the old woman, blessing her, the goddess Morrigan is finally healed from the wound of her love. Cuchulain in battle – Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874 – 1951)

The best books about Morrigan

Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magic and Power by Courtney Weber

You can buy it on Amazon EE. US and Amazon UK.

This is the perfect read for you to learn more about Morrigan, her history, and her magic. This is designed specifically for people who are interested in her and who want to honor her and connect with her from a new, educated and informative perspective.

Celtic Lore and Dark Goddess Sorcery: Summoning the Morrigan by Stephanie Woodfield

You can buy it on Amazon EE. US and Amazon UK.

If you really want to connect with Morrigan with magic, this spell book is what you need! You will learn how to invoke her, how to practice your craft in her name and how to let this goddess enhance the energy that surrounds you to attract what you want, also following the Celtic tradition.

Pagan Portals – Raven Goddess: Going Deeper with Morrigan by Morgan Daimler

You can buy it on Amazon EE. US and Amazon UK.

To establish a devotional connection with Morrigan, this is the book you need to learn more about her, but also to debunk some mistaken beliefs and begin a wonderful devotional relationship, honoring her from a place of awareness and true respect for her roots and her magic.

The best ways to connect with Morrigan

Light a red candle and invoke it.

The red candle is the color used by the Mother Goddess and is also the color of power. This is a very simple way to work with the Goddess Morrigan to have protection and remove obstacles. You don’t have to be formal but, if you want, you can do it.

I think being honest by clarifying what is needed works in the same way as a more formal ritual or spell. The goddess knows what she really needs, and what you should do is ask her for help and thank her.

Choose a raven as a totem or spirit guide

The crow is not just a bird that warns you when danger is near, but guides you on your path. The Goddess Morrigan is often depicted with the raven as a sacred animal to her and the raven often works in cooperation with others, giving a cry of alarm to other birds.

It will help you overcome your fears so you can move forward and take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

Learn more about the crow as a spirit animal here.

Ask Him for guidance when using divination tools.

She is the goddess of prophecy as well; If she needs guidance while she uses a pendulum, runes, tarot and more, ask her for guidance and she will help you discover the truth and the future all in one.

How do you know Morrigan is calling you?

  • If you feel the need to win your fights
  • If you feel strong and empowered right after having evoked it
  • If you dream of a crow
  • If you see the number three appear over and over again

How do you honor Morrigan?

  • Create an altar for her.
  • Use a crow image to honor her
  • Try to win your fights
  • Try to defeat your inner demons and succeed.
  • Cast protection spells
  • Place a statue of Morrigan on your altar

Prayer for Morrigan

“Goddess Morrigan, I need you,
support me, guide me,
let your strength and power show me the path to success.
I’m ready for it, I’m ready for you.
Be blessed.»

What are Morrigan’s favorite offerings?

  • Raven feathers (since the crow is its symbol and one of its representations)
  • An athame (as a symbol of your will to fight)
  • Red wine (since it represents blood)
  • Raw meat (representing the corpse of enemies)

What are the Morrigan symbols?

the number 3

There are three versions that characterize the goddess Morrigan: the virgin Anne, goddess of fertility; the mother Badb, the one who boils matter in the cauldron that perpetually produces life; and the goddess of time, Macha the Greater, the great goddess of ghosts or mother of death.

The Raven

The goddess Morrigan has the power to change shape and transform into animals of different species. The main one is the crow. The crow, contrary to what…