Glass of water spell to make him think of me and look for me

Spell of the glass of water to make him think of me and look for me –

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The love Sometimes it can be quite confusing, perhaps the boy you like has not yet given you the necessary attention or you have not wanted to take the first step, but other times you want your partner to pay more attention to you. This spell with a glass of water will help you in all these situations, it is also quite simple to perform.

In this article I will show you some very simple rituals to perform so that he always thinks of you and looks for you.. You will achieve the person you want to notice more in you will show more interest in meeting you and you will seem interesting.

Imagining that a glass of water can make the man you love think of you every moment seems unrealistic, however, using it in the right way and with the right words, you can easily make this happen.

It is essential that you perform each spell calmly, do not do it nervously or in a hurry, because if that happens, the spell will not work. To relax, breathe deeply for a few minutes and don’t think about anything negative that could hinder the spell.

One of the characteristics of the spell with a glass of water and that I like so much is the purity that water transmits, it is one of the purest elements that exists and that is why in spells that have to do with love they will help us, since it is what we seek a pure and true love.

On the other hand, you can accompany this spell with a prayer to make a man fall in love, it is quite effective, and it will help to get the person you want to have by your side to notice you.

The energies of love will always help us when we request it in a sweet, kind and respectful way, always keep that in mind and never try to cast spells in a forced way so that someone is with you against their will, otherwise these energies could stop to help you forever.

Ritual of the glass of water so that he thinks of me

If you want the boy you’re in love with to start looking for you and can’t stop thinking about you, then this spell is perfect for you. Do it at night and the lunar phase must be full moon, so you can take advantage of all its properties. The only thing you need is a transparent glass with water, it is advisable that you fill it completely.
I must tell you that this spell is very simple, however, you have to find a place in your house where there is tranquility and you can perform this ritual without any interruption.

While you do it, no person will be able to hear or interrupt you, that is essential, since if they do, the spell will be broken and it will surely have no effect.
Begin the ritual by drinking the water found in the glass, then say inside the glass the name of the other person and their physical characteristics, that is, hair type, eye color and similar details. In the event that you have not yet known her name, the qualities will suffice.
Now say the name and characteristics of the boy you want in your life again, but out loud. Place the glass upside down on a table in your house, you can use any, although I recommend using one that is in your room that you frequent a lot, such as your bedroom or living room.
The next day repeat the same procedure, the only thing that will change is that you are going to do it with even more faith and you will believe even more in what you are doing. To finish, repeat:
“(Pronounce the name of your loved one) you will think of me at every moment of your life. You will not rest until you see me. Just as I love you, you will do it for me, even more”.
Do not touch the glass again until he looks for you, when that happens, wash it as you normally would and repeat the prayer for the last time. If it doesn’t work for you after waiting 7 days, perform the spell again, but this time you must light 2 white candles and a jasmine incense so it will be infallible.

Glass of sugar water spell

We can highlight this spell is that it works perfectly to make the boy you like fall in love, attract your ex-partner or reconcile with a friend if they have had problems. To do this you will need a glass of water, sugar, a spoon, a piece of paper and a red pencil.
On the piece of paper, write down the name of the person you want to attract into your life. If you know their phone number you should also, the more details you provide the better, and the more easily your purpose will be fulfilled.
Now make two small spoonfuls of sugar in the glass of water, then you drink it, at the same time imagine that person looking for you and where you would like your first date to be.
When the glass is empty, put the paper in the bottom, I also recommend that there are a few drops of water left. Allow 10 minutes to elapse, then throw away the sheet.
Wash the glass of water very well, since you are going to repeat the spell for 5 consecutive days. It is important that no one finds out that you are doing this ritual.
On the last day, fill the glass again with water and place it under your bed, if it is not possible, then put it on a nearby table. Do not touch it until the other person has shown that they are interested in you. The most common is that it takes effect in 2 weeks.

Spell of the glass of water so that it looks for me

This ritual is one of the most effective to perform for that loved one to look for you. It is important that you have a lot of faith and confidence in yourself. It is possible to do the ritual any day of the week, although I recommend doing it at night.
Find a quiet place in your home where there is silence and you can concentrate. Also get a white candle, a crystal glass, wooden matches, a sheet of paper, a pencil, and a pitcher of water.
We will start by lighting the candle, then we will have to write down on the sheet the names and surnames of the person who will look for you. Fold the paper carefully and for 3 minutes hold it with your hand around the fire without burning it, that way you will attract positive energies.
Put the paper in the bottom of the glass and pour the water inside. Place your hands around it and concentrate all your energies so that it is impregnated with good vibes, I recommend doing this for at least 5 minutes.
Allow the candle to burn down completely and store the ashes in a small bag. Then hide the glass under your bed, it is important that no one touches it since it would lose all the energy and the spell would not work.

The time you must leave the glass under your bed will be one night, then you will discard the water and wash it as you normally would.
The next day your loved one will begin to feel the need to see you, talk to you and have a drink with you. Most likely, he won’t look for you until 3 days have passed, since at that point he won’t be able to resist talking to you.
It is optional, but I advise you to repeat the ritual after two days, do the same without changing anything. This will help positive energies reach your loved one’s environment faster and thus start looking for you.

I hope that this spell of the glass of water helps you in your love life and that you manage to conquer the person you love.

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I give you my purest and most sincere blessings

Luz Silva Soler