Girl overcame COVID but now she won’t stop coughing every two seconds

The strange case of a girl who had COVID but as a consequence now she does not stop coughing every two seconds is being studied by specialists.

Without a doubt, COVID has affected many people around the world, leaving strange consequences after having overcome the disease. However, some are quite strange as it happened to a 16-year-old girl who now can’t stop coughing every two seconds.

Girl does not stop coughing every two seconds after being infected with COVID

This is Verena who fell ill at the end of October 2020, then managed to overcome the delicate situation but her unusual sequel has drawn attention around the world. The girl is suffering from something that is apparently known as “persistent covid” and this has made her have to change her habits, since doing any activity, no matter how basic it may seem, costs her a lot of work.

Although the coughing fits that occur every two seconds last very little, it takes a lot of work for the young woman to eat or talk fluently, in fact, studying has become almost impossible. However, Verena has tried to cope with the situation so she assured her, “Physically I am exhausted, but mentally I feel good. It is difficult, but in the end you end up getting used to it and you find the tricks to communicate with your family and friends”.

Of course, several health experts are studying the case of the young woman who, when she suffers from very strong coughing attacks, makes her faint. That is why they find themselves doing studies where the first thing they want to do is rule out any organic issue to try to focus on something in the brain, similar to something that has become somatized.

And you, Do you know other strange consequences that COVID has left in patients who have already overcome it? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.