Earth and pot are factors that, too, They affect the hydration of the ghost plant. First, its soil must provide optimal drainage, since flooding and excessive humidity will make Its roots rot. To do this, mix the earth with gravel or clay so that this eliminates excess water. Likewise, at the time of planting it, avoids the pots with dishes as a base, since they prevent the liquid from filtering and causing stagnation.
Its growth makes it a relatively compact succulent, as it has a Total height that does not exceed 15 to 20 centimeters; However, their stems are usually extended, so it is necessary to have a pot of at least 20 centimeters in diameter so that it can flourish in its adulthood without space limitation.
Temperature and fertilizer
Being cactifier, the ghost plant requires being located in warm areas where the temperature is constant all year. The ideal climate must range between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius, and temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius should be avoided, since they could kill them. For its part, the fertilizer must be made once a year in July or August with special fertilizers for succulent plants.
Multiply your phantom plant
Like any plant, reproduction of Paraguayan graptalum It can be done through seeds or cuttings. While one method is faster and faster than the other, we show you how to carry out its planting on both ways.
From scratch
To start, make sure Your pot is wider than highthat is bored to allow drainage and that your substrate is composed of ground and gravel or sand. Water and place the seeds on the surface, ensuring that They are not piled up. Subsequently, cover them with a thin layer of substrate or gravel and place them in its assigned site (considering the above recommendations). Your ghost plants will germinate in approximately 10 to 15 days.
With cuttings
The fastest and most efficient reproduction process of the graptopétalo is through the cuttings, since it is a Plant whose multiplication is asexual. You just have to cut a stem with leaves, let the wound dry about 7 days in the semi -shade and keep it protected from the rains. After this time, you can plant it in a pot with land for cactus or ground and gravel substrate. Its soil must remain slightly wet and its location must take it from the direct sun. In 15 to 20 days, your cuttings will issue its own roots.
The succulents are plants that favor positive energy flow And they help purify the air. In addition to that they are very easy to care for and reproduce, the ghost plant will be an excellent addition to any area – interior or exterior – of your home, since it will provide a unique and aesthetic look.