Gabriel Turbay, father of Paola Turbay, died of coronavirus

He had been in poor health for several days. Gabriel Turbay, father of Paola Turbay, died of coronavirus.

After being admitted to the Children’s Cadrio Foundation last December 14 and battling for more than 2 weeks against severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19the father of former beauty queen Paola Turbay passed away this Monday.

During the days he was hospitalized, The model asked her followers through networks to join in a prayer to ask for her health and his recovery, for which he received hundreds of messages of support.

Gabriel Turbay, father of Paola Turbay, died of coronavirus

But unfortunately, in the last hours different national media confirmed the departure of the businesswoman’s father and actress, who the was 73 years old.

Likewise, the former beauty queen and presenter manifested herself through her official Instagram account. Over there He dedicated some heartfelt words to his father and remembered it with some beautiful photographs.

“This is how I will always remember you: thinking, analyzing, with your smile, your intelligence, your elegance and your good sense of humor (…) It is difficult to say goodbye, when you wanted to live so much. Difficult to think of reuniting as a family without you, without your stories, your songs and your piano concerts. You leave us a huge void that we will fill, little by little, with the best memories and with everything we learned from you…”

It should be noted that in recent days the model confessed that Gabriel would have been infected with the virus after a family reunion they attended in Medellín, despite the rigorous care they had.

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