Fungus on the feet: Home remedies to eliminate them

Foot fungus, is a condition also known as foot tinea or interdigital intertrigo, is an infection that occurs in the spaces between the toes, caused by a species of highly contagious parasitic fungi, called dermatophytes. It can last a short or long time and even reappear after treatment.

More frequent from adolescence, as well as in summer and spring, this mycosis usually produces an inflammation between the fourth and fifth toes, which can sometimes spread to the other fingers, nails, heels or other parts of the body such as the palms and fingers of the hands.

Foot fungus: Prevention

The main sources of contagion are other people. Fungi are highly contagious and easily spread. It can also be contracted through contact with animals: dogs, cats or rabbits.

The best thing to prevent is:

  • Carry good hygiene. Shower after playing sports. Try to keep your feet clean and dry. Especially between the fingers. Dry well afterwards.
  • Wear flip-flops in locker rooms, public showers, and swimming pools.
  • Change socks frequently. At least once a day.
  • Wash your hands often. Especially after touching animals.
  • Use powder for fungus or drying. To prevent athlete’s foot if it has happened to you before or is in areas where the fungus is common.
  • Wear well ventilated shoes. Better that they are made of natural materials such as leather. Mostly in summer. Different shoes can be alternated each day. This way they stay completely dry. Do not wear plastic-lined shoes.
  • Do not share utensils for cutting fingernails and toenails.

Foot fungus: Home remedies


Garlic has a long history of medicinal use, and several studies have found it to be effective against some fungi and bacteria.

A garlic foot bath using fresh garlic cloves is one way for people to try this remedy at home. Crush three to four cloves of garlic and mix them in a bowl of warm water. Soak your feet for 30 minutes, twice a day for a week. However, the powerful compounds in garlic can leave a long-lasting odor on the skin.

Sodium bicarbonate

Soak feet:

To soak your foot, mix about a half cup of baking soda in a large bucket or bowl of warm water. Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day. When you’re done, dry your feet well, but don’t rinse.

Foot Mix:

In a small container pour two tablespoons of water and add a tablespoon of baking soda, mix until a paste forms. Apply the paste on the affected areas and let them sit for 5 minutes. For the final process, wash your feet with warm water. You can do this treatment every other day.

Essential oils

Both lavender oil, tea tree oil and oregano oil can help treat fungal infections. To do this, we only have to apply a few drops directly on the affected area or in the water where we are going to submerge our feet.


The mouthwash contains ingredients such as menthol, thymol and eucalyptus, which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Perhaps that is why it is a traditional home remedy for toenail fungus.

Supporters of the treatment recommend soaking the affected foot in an amber-colored container for 30 minutes a day.

lavender oil

Lavender oil is another natural product to which antiseptic properties are attributed. And according to popular beliefs, it has regenerating properties that would be convenient when it comes to both eliminating fungi and caring for the skin of the affected area.

To carry out its application, you must wash and dry your feet well, and place three drops of lavender oil on the affected area. Then, it should be left to dry, with the feet without socks, and without shoes.


In addition to flavoring your meals, salt is credited with antifungal properties. The ingredients are simple and we can mix it with five drops of lemon, which would be the fourth home remedy offered.

Apple vinager

Mix half a liter of water with half a liter of vinegar in a large container and soak your feet for half an hour. The treatment must be carried out twice a day (in the morning and at night before going to sleep).

olive leaf extract

An active substance in olive leaf extract, oleuropein, is thought to contain antifungal, antimicrobial, and immune-stimulating properties. You can apply olive leaf ointment directly to the nail fungus or take it as a capsule.

According to this article, taking one to three olive leaf capsules with meals twice a day is more effective than olive leaf ointment in treating toenail fungus. Drink plenty of water during this treatment. Find olive leaf extract capsules and oil online.

onion juice

As in the case of garlic, onion would also have antifungal properties, which is why its use is recurrent to treat foot fungus. To do this you have to process the onions until you get their juice. With the help of a cotton ball or a swab, apply the juice to the infected area after using an antifungal product.

drops that heal

Applying a few drops of colloidal silver on the affected area 2 or 3 times a day or taking 5 to 10 drops on an empty stomach for a week (at a concentration of 120 parts per million) resolves the infection. If it is an infection of the «tiger tan» type, you have to be more patient since it will probably be necessary to prolong the treatment.