Full Moon of Deer 2021, the full moon of July will shine in the firmament

The year enters its second half and the most outstanding astronomical events are approaching. Important meteor showers with great visibility and average number of meteors per hour will soon take place. However, as long as the sky is flooded with blazing lights, The full deer moon of July 2021 will parade through the ecliptic.

What is the Deer Moon?

The cycle of the moon is repeated for a certain time, so each month has its own full moon and new moon. Although there are special cases where two full moons occur in the same month. This event is not so common but when it occurs, the second full moon is called a Blue Moon, although it is not the case in July.

Via Golden Lotus

Like every month, the Moon will reach its full phase and will reach its maximum illumination with the entry of the full moon, which is another way of calling the most illuminated phase of the Earth’s natural satellite. In order for the moon to shine at its maximum splendor, a series of characteristics must happen. In these cases Our planet is located exactly between the largest body in the Solar System and its natural satellite. That is, between the Sun and the Moon.

Right now, the Moon’s angle of elongation is 180°, which means that it is completely opposite the Sun, as seen from Earth.This alignment allows observing the Earth’s natural satellite in its maximum fullness, fully illuminated by sunlight.

The full moon in July is called the full deer moon, thanks to the Native American tribes. They used to live in complete harmony with nature, for them all natural phenomena were interconnected, so they distinguished this season of the month of July as the one in which the new antlers of the deer usually emerge. Thanks to this, they attributed the name Full Deer Moon to the full moon that occurred in July.

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When and how to see it?

The 2021 Deer Moon will not be a supermoon, that is, it will not be at its closest point to Earth. Therefore, although its visibility will be that of a fully illuminated moon, it will not be observed especially enlarged. Its greatest splendor can be seen between the July 23 and 24, although its peak will reach it on July 23 at 21:37 UTC.

To observe it, you only need to look up at the sky and appreciate the cosmic beauty of our natural satellite. The use of any observing instrument is not required, although powerful binoculars and even a telescope always make these events the most pleasurable. Do not lose sight of this astronomical event and let yourself be carried away by the magic of the celestial vault.

Find out about all the events that the cosmos has in store for us this year in our 2021 astronomical calendar and don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect with the cosmos.

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