Full moon in Virgo, ritual to attract success to your life

The Full Moon in Virgo It approaches. Astrology is an ancient language that connects us with cosmic cycles and their influences in our lives. Each lunar phase brings unique energies, and the full moon in Virgo is no exception. This celestial event invites us to reflect on the importance of meticulous work, organization and personal improvement. The influence of the full moon in Virgo and how you can take advantage of it to attract success to your life is all you need for this magical ritual.

The full moon is perfect for rituals.

Ulises Peña / Pexels.

Full Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo occurs when the sun is in opposition to the moon in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is a sign governed by Mercury, associated with precision, attention to detail and perfectionism. During this lunar phase, these qualities are magnified, which leads us to critically examine all aspects of our lives.

The full moon energy in Virgo drives us to analyze our daily routines, habits and long -term goals. It makes us aware of the areas in which we can improve and give us determination to take concrete measures towards our personal and professional growth.

The full moon in Virgo is perfect to manifest.

Conscious Design / UNSPLASH

Full moon ritual in Virgo

Making a ritual during the full moon in Virgo can enhance our intentions and help us align our actions with cosmic energies. This is a step by step ritual that you can follow to attract success to your life during this lunar phase:

What do you need?

  • A green candle: represents prosperity and growth.
  • A yellow candle: symbolizes mental clarity and effective communication.
  • Sandal or cinnamon incense: to purify space and raise vibrations.
  • Paper and pen.
  • Natural elements such as stones, plants or crystals to decorate your ritual space.

To do?

  • Space preparation: Find a quiet place where you can make your ritual without interruptions. Clean the area with the incense and place your materials on an altar or flat surface.
  • Focus your energy: Sit in comfortable position and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths to calm your mind and connect with your interior. Visualize a white light that wraps you, purifying and protecting your energy field.
  • The candles: Light the green and yellow candles, while focusing on the flame and establish your intention to attract success and prosperity to your life.
  • Writing of intentions: Take paper and pen, and write your goals and desires related to success and personal fulfillment. Be specific and detailed in your statements. For example, «I attract financial abundance», «I communicate with clarity and trust», «I am recognized for my diligent and efficient work.»
  • Meditation and visualization: With your hands on the paper that contains your intentions, close your eyes and display your goals already made. Feel emotion and gratitude as if you had already achieved what you want. It remains in this state of meditation for several minutes, allowing positive energy to flow through you.
  • Ritual closure: Thanks to the moon and the universe for their support and guidance. Turn off the candles and keep the paper with your intentions in a safe place where you can check it periodically.