Frozen America, Hot Greenland: Scientists Explore the Planet’s Temperature Reversal

Snow in Jerusalem and unusual frost in China raise suspicions of a climatic transformation. Based on the heavy snowfall in northern countries and cold phenomena in countries with warm temperatures, experts are exploring the possibility of a temperature inversion, that is, an exchange of cold and heat on the planet.

According to the meteorologist Alberto Hernández Unzón, such an intense change in the circulation cycle of the atmosphere has not been observed for 150 years. It is normal that during the winter the polar vortex is created, but it has registered interesting changes.

The arctic mass that now keeps Canada, the United States and northern Mexico under intense cold registered between 10 and 20 degrees below its usual temperature. At the same time that these countries experience freezing temperatures, Greenland registers between 10 and 20 degrees more than usual.

On the other side of the world, the European continent is experiencing an increase in temperature, while Asia, the Middle East and Africa experience colder climates. The cold gradually slides to the south instead of staying in the north, causing a temperature inversion.

The inversion of the planet’s temperature heralds the effects of climate change

Although scientifically the inversion of the temperature is a common event, the causes are not so much. To understand all this phenomenon and its implications, we must understand how the climate works on the planet.

The troposphere is the lowest part of the Earth’s atmosphere, where most of the weather is generated. In this high area the temperature is colder, however, sometimes a layer of hot air can form in that area, this phenomenon is known as inversion. Although this is not necessarily the one that crosses the world, since it is also related to the polar vortex.

Recently, experts are on the lookout for a possible rare climate transformation. Countries that previously did not experience major winter storms now suffer from massive snowfall. Even nations that previously did not record such low temperatures in winter are now surprised by frost.

As the oceans warm and lose salinity, more water evaporates and rises into the troposphere. There, the climate presents alterations and, therefore, great changes in its cycle; bigger storms, lower temperatures, even longer cold.

While the poles register about eight degrees more than their usual temperature and global warming advances, natural phenomena are transformed and what we previously thought was something known is no longer so.

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