Frog spiritual meaning and the lucky frog (feng shui)

Frog spiritual meaning Many ancient peoples have considered the frog as a symbol of abundance, protection and health. For the ancient Egyptians, for example, the goddess Heket had the head of this animal and was the patron saint of prosperity and abundance. Recognizable as the benevolent goddess.

In China it has always been a lucky charm and a connection between the living and the dead.

In Japan, «kero» also means «return,» making it the perfect amulet for travelers. And apparently, a small jade frog in his wallet ensures abundance and protects him from theft.

In ancient Rome, they were sacred to Aphrodite. Let’s see, next, what is related to the frog spiritual meaning.


frog spiritual meaning

From an esoteric and spiritual point of view, the song of the frog brings rain and cleanses the earth, nourishes it and creates life. That is what this animal also does in our lives: it cleanses our body and soul, it frees us from all the negative feelings that we no longer need, it makes us stronger and purer.

In addition, it also teaches us to be more creative and to face obstacles and changes in life with joy and optimism.

Just as water changes with what it attracts, it teaches you to transform and improve with what you have within your reach. Sometimes external events are not necessary for you to change, but only your own will.

Furthermore, it has been a symbol of fertility for many years due to the ability to lay large numbers of eggs. So if you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, a good idea is to invoke the frog totem.


Lucky frog (feng shui)

To obtain the maximum of its positive influence in the labor, economic and sentimental sphere, it is necessary to know different aspects such as the color, the preparation and the place where it should be placed.

Like all magical objects, it is important that when buying a frog, it is prepared before placing it in the place that we have intended for it. In addition, the owner of the frog must ensure that no one touches it, since it would lose magical powers and it would have to be consecrated again.

If you want to have a lucky frog at home or in a business, it is recommended to buy a three-legged Chinese frog, since they form a triangle that symbolizes the energy of the Universe. If you cannot find it, you can buy one made of materials such as clay or ceramic, but it must be green (for prosperity in a business) or gold (for attract money)

If you find a frog with a coin in its mouth, it is much better, since it symbolizes that all the money that goes out, comes back.

As for its placement, it is very important to place it in a high place and that one of its hind legs is directed to the main entrance door so that it attracts everything positive. If we turn it upside down with its face facing the door, we will reject all the money.


How to prepare the lucky frog

One way to prepare the branch is to place three identical coins on a white ceramic or clay (not plastic) plate. These should be placed in such a way that a triangle is made with them.

Then cover the coins with mustard seeds, birdseed, rice and lentils. Then, the frog is placed on top of the ingredients and more of these seeds are sprinkled on top of the frog while we ask it to bring money and fortune to our home or business. This operation can be repeated every Friday.


Ritual to bind money with the lucky frog

The following materials should be obtained

A golden frog.

A bill of any denomination (although two-dollar bills are preferred)

Sunflower seeds.

Three small yellow candles




A white spread plate.

A sheet of paper.

A pen.

Wooden matches.

Your request is written on the piece of paper and placed under the plate next to the bill. Then the frog is placed on top of the plate. A mixture is made with the essence, the pepper and the husk and with it anoint the candles. Then the candles are placed on the plate; You must turn them on and then say the following sentence in a clear and firm voice:

Lord, I ask you to help me so that in my house (or business) there is abundance,

that I never lack anything (say request).

I thank you for your infinite mercy.

When the candles have burned down, collect the ticket and give it to a person in need. Remove the remains of the candles and leave the plate as it is with everything. Leave your request under the plate. You can place more sunflower seeds.


Ritual to attract love with the lucky frog

For love, the red frog is recommended, which can be used in a pendant, ring, bracelet or prepare a three-legged one with a little rice, canary seed and dechuparrosa essence.

Instead of coins, the name of the frog’s owner is placed, previously written on a piece of brown paper, and the frog is bathed with a few drops of the essence.


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