Free love tarot according to your zodiac sign

The sign of the Zodiac to which you belong is a framework on which the future of your heart can be read. Do it here with your free Love Tarot.

Find your Zodiac sign and consult your free Love Tarot

It is possible to find the direction that your love life will take by combining a couple of astrological disciplines, such as the Tarot and the Horoscope. We made it for you. Take note!

Aries: 4 of Cups

You are one of those people who arouse envy around you, without meaning to; That is why you will have to be very alert with your partner, because they will try to take it away from you just for hurting you.

Taurus: Reverse Ace of Spades

Your problem in love is that you are inflexible and closed to new experiences. This time dare to try new things, different types of relationships, you may not find love, but you will find peace of mind.

Gemini: 6 of Wands

You think you know true love because of the tranquility you feel with your partners, but the truth is that you have not yet come across that person who will shake your ground and make your heart beat in your mouth.

Cancer: King of Pentacles

You are a very insecure person and that is why your relationships always fail; We advise you to improve communication with your partner, including attending therapy.

Leo: King of Cups

You are so self-centered that you do not perceive when your partner needs you and you abandon them just at the moment when you should be by their side unconditionally.

Virgo: 5 of cups

You cannot leave the past behind, because the ghosts of your past relationships haunt you for months and even years. Learn to let go, only then will you live true love again.

Libra: The Empress could not be missing from the Tarot of free love

Your shyness in bed can quickly make your relationships monotonous; To counteract this, you must invent trips, romantic dinners, massages, etc.

Scorpio: 8 of Wands

According to this Tarot card, passion will come into your life fast and furious; It may or may not be with your current partner, so you have to be very alert if you don’t want to screw up.

Sagittarius: Queen of Wands

Stop shutting up what you feel; By keeping everything that is in your heart, you think you avoid conflicts, but the truth is that you further widen the gap that separates you from your partner.

Capricorn: Reverse Ace of Wands

Gives second chances; you tend to be a person who makes impulsive and definitive decisions and that can make you lose very valuable beings who truly love you. Think about it.

Aquarius: 7 of Wands

When you feel that the fire rises from your stomach to your chest and an irreversible desire to love comes to you, do it with your partner! If you play with fire, you will get burned.

The last free love Tarot card is… Pisces: Reverse Justice

You do not like to see reality when it hurts you, that is why your partners always cheat on you in your face, and you blindly believe them. Cut this cycle that only hurts you.

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With information from: new woman