We all remember the popular show Masterchefin it there were some quite interesting characters, many of them have given much to talk about, this time the turn was for Luisa Fernanda W.
Most of them know a lot about the youtuber, others little, the truth is that Luisa has always been very open to changes and after Masterchef we have seen her in different facets. Her followers like it when she dares to change.
But there is only one small detail that is worrying and that is that could she go bald? They will wonder what we are talking about, well it turns out that in a short time Luisa Fernanda w has done everything in her hair.
However, last year so many chemicals took its toll on her and she herself said that her hair was parted in half. That’s why she had to use extensions, while she grew back.
That led her to get a brown tone and get hair treatments, to restore health to her hair.
But again the change bug bit him again… He decided to dye his hair again, this time with the only color he had yet to try: Red.
Girls, what do you think of all this? And which style do you think looks best? We want to know your opinions and then do not forget to share on your social networks.
Information from: Protagonist