For a photo of his wife they give Silvestre a stick

Silvestre Dangond seldom publishes photos of his beautiful wife Piery Avendaño and when he does, it is precisely with words that no one would use to refer to the woman he loves.

Everything happens while the viewers of the program “On another level” see how Silvestre flirts with Pauline Vega and that has become evident within the show.


A post shared by Silvestre Dangond (@silvestredangond) on Nov 17, 2017 at 2:26pm PST

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Well, to silence comments, the Vallenato singer posted a photo on his Instagram next to his wife, but that’s not the problem.

Why everyone gives him a hard time is because he uses terms that are not appropriate to refer to the woman who has given him 3 children.

“The female is beautiful! The one who has a good hand, you can tell hahahaha how are you»