Social networks have promoted, without precedent, the documentation of information. Today an army of individuals have a device available for almost 24 hours, with which they can record whatever happens in front of them. Although the above is a mine of possibilities, it can also lend itself to jokes, or misinformation.
In the northern Mexican state of Sonora, photographs have circulated of creepy winged scorpions, an offshoot of the species Panorpa nuptialis. The image has flowed mainly through Facebook, and according to users, there have been attacks in the vicinity of the city of Hermosillo, Sonora.
The terrifying story told by the single image of this species is peppered with rumors about horrific attacks, but according to more serious information, the terrifying sting of the flying scorpion serves only to fertilize the females. According to official information, in reality this species usually does not attack humans unless disturbed.
Apparently the attacks are rumors, but the mere sighting of these obviously unusual beings can be a disturbing experience. Who would think that such a sting is simply a procreative means?
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