Florida water what it is used for (love, luck, etc), uses and how to make it

Florida Water What it is for Florida Water was created in the United States in 1808 by Lanman & Kemp Barclay, a company now known as Murray & Lanman, to compete directly against the popular Eau du Cologne from Europe.

The Florida water offered a fresh scent of citrus spice, lighter than its opposite. From its inception it was considered unisex, as the cologne appealed to both Victorian-era men and women and could be purchased at pharmacies and general stores. A young lady could carry the aroma with her in a small bag. People used the cologne to freshen their sheets, among other things.

However, over time, it became also known as a healing tonic, which when applied could relieve headaches and cool fevers. This is probably because its ingredients are herbs that have been used since ancient times for their medicinal virtues.

Likewise, Florida water has been used in rituals to cleanse the environment of negative elements and to attract the positive.


Florida water what is it used for

We have received many questions about what Florida water is for and here we give the answer:

Florida water what is it used for #1 To refresh in general: spray abundantly. car, home, office

Florida water what is it used for #2 to perfume the body: perfume the bath and use it as a skin toner afterwards (not for the face). Add to hair rinses. Spray steam from the shower. Add it to foot baths. Use as and after shaving.

Florida water what is it used for #3 Clear the energy of a space: add to floor washes, dishwashers, etc., discharging the water away from the house. Lightly spray the bristles of the broom or cloth to remove dust. Pay special attention to corners and other stagnant places.

Florida water what is it used for #4 to protect yourself: Lightly mist Florida Water at the four entry points to your home. Alternatively, you can spray a cloth, cotton ball or small broom and polish the doors.

Florida water what is it used for #5 To signal a change in energy: Set the tone by using fragrance to signal the start of meditation or yoga practice – Creating the scent association will help the body to relax as soon as you smell the scent in the future. To do this, put some cologne on your hands and gently inhale and exhale three times before beginning your practice. Spray on a small cloth, wool bead, or handkerchief and take with you to freshen up as needed.

Perimeter Protection: Load the sea salt crystals in sunlight and sprinkle gently. Sprinkle around the perimeter of your house. Indoors, sprinkle around the edges and corners of rooms. Sweep the room, moving everything toward the door, inviting unwanted energy out of the house. (You can load up some of our Florida water soaking salts, which contain Celtic sea salt and plant magic, and use as an alternative.)


How to make Florida water homemade recipe

Here we detail how to make Florida water

Choose at least two items from each group: As you select the materials to use, let your intentions guide you.

Aromatic greens:
A handful of mint (fresh)
1 handful of basil (fresh)
A handful of rosemary (fresh)

A handful of rose petals (fresh)
1 handful of jasmine (dried or fresh)
A handful of lavender (dried)

1 lemon (zest or skin)
1 orange (peel or skin)
A lime (peel or skin)

1 tablespoon allspice berries
1 stick or cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon of cloves

Bring 16 oz (2 cups) vodka to a simmer. Add the dry ingredients and let them simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer for a further 40 minutes, let cool and pour the previous preparation into the glass container. Close it and wrap it in newspaper or dark paper (avoid aluminum foil). Store for two weeks in a dark place, stirring at least 2-3 times a week. After that time, you can strain the preparation and divide it into other smaller vials, always keeping those that are not going to be used in places protected from light.

The preparation is ready, at least the material part, but it does not have magical properties yet. For that it is necessary to conjure it, that is, to speak and magnetize the flowery water. The following should be said:

“In the name of God, I ask that the energetic and magical properties of this flowery water be awakened and I determine that they serve to cleanse this environment, against all harm. May she cleanse the miasmas and dissolve the negative energy cords, which can drive away plagues, astral larvae and all spiritual worms. So be it!».

I pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary

to finish, cross (I make the sign of the cross, +) and that’s it, I can use it.

The rhyme or an incantation can be done as follows:

“Flower water, here I call you,

I dedicate to you and everything you have,

As a vital and cleansing force,

For it to be magic taking effect surely.»

The important thing here is that the spell (or the rhyme if you use it) must be repeated at least three times.

After that, pour it into a spray bottle and use as needed.


Florida water uses and recipe

Here we detail some esoteric uses of Florida water:

Florida water wash and bath

Added floor washes to provide spiritual protection. ANDn a bucket of warm water, add flowery water and put your feet inside, to bless your paths and guide you.

An easy bath to remove negativity consists of mixing: Florida water, a handful of sea salt (the purest salt, purer than the salt commonly used in the kitchen), three drops of frankincense oil (not it is essence, it is essential oil).


Florida water for love

In a bucket containing 1 gallon of water put 7 drops of florida water, 7 rose petals and 3 drops of lavender oil. After bathing regularly (on a Friday night when the Moon is in a crescent phase) pour this preparation on top and say out loud seven times: «Love is yet to come and the one who suits me will come to me.»

also know strong dispossession bath with herbs for cleaning and open paths (prayer)


Florida water for luck

To make a good luck spray, mix it in a spray bottle: florida water, water and patchouli – you can spray it on the doors of your residence, on the soles of your shoe and on yourself, before you go to play (any kind) games, including lotteries).

To attract money, put a drop of Florida water in a handkerchief and carry it with you. You can also spray Florida water on a coin and place it in an area of ​​your purse or wallet where it will keep it closed or separate from other coins.


Cleaning ritual with flowery water

Wash the floor for seven days, for cleansing, spiritual protection, and blessing, using: Florida water, tap water, and holy water. (Wash each one from the outside in).


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