Flora Martínez reaches 40 more beautiful than ever

See how actress Flora Martínez looks today, when she reached the fourth floor. Did she improve, did she get worse, or did she stay the same?

Turning forty is a milestone for every human being; This age seems to mark a before and after, which is why it is assumed to be the middle of life, a moment when we look back and evaluate what we have done, and look forward dreaming of what we still have to do.

But let’s be honest, women have an additional ingredient when we reach the fourth floor: beauty and youth, because it is a crucial age in which we look in the mirror and begin to really notice the passage of time; and since we get into time, it is the perfect excuse to go on to name those people (famous or not) to whom apparently it does not happen to them, as if they had a pact with the devil!

This is the case of the actress and singer Flora Martínez, who has practically looked the same for more than 20 yearsback in the days of Milk (1995), one of the last Colombian TV miniseries, do you remember it? He was a musical comedy!

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Flora Martínez has remained almost intact over time, so much so that she is the face of an important Colombian cosmetics brand. Look how he looks today, when he turns 40:

What do you think?

also vibrates with: How “Mary full of grace” has changed

Flora Martínez improved, worsened or stayed the same? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your networks today!, when this actress turns 40.

Natalia Paris is one year older! And she is divine, she revealed some details you didn’t know http://t.co/UoDPQl4Rt8 pic.twitter.com/1JXhKOLucu

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) August 12, 2015