Flora Martínez and Jaime Garzón were boyfriends? your love story

The actress Flora Martinez and Jaime Garzon They had an affair that, although short, left her with fond memories of the late comedian.

Jaime Garzón was one of the most scathing comedians we had in Colombia, especially on political issues; That is why many people think that the crime that ended his life had to do with the opinions and parodies that he transmitted through his characters. The most remembered is, without a doubt, Heriberto of the Street.

The love story between Flora Martínez and Jaime Garzón

As the actress confessed in various interviews with national media, their relationship ended not long before the humorist’s murder. Her love would have lasted around six months, although she, as she confessed to pulsefor her it was “like a lifetime”.

Let’s remember that Jaime Garzón’s assassination occurred in 1999 and marked a before and after in Colombian popular culture, as our people lost with him the greatest political satirist in the country. In this regard, the also singer told The FM that she «the fact that his death continues to be covered up by many things, means that he continues to show how badly we do things in this country.»

“Jaime is a genius for his wonderful way of showing us ourselves. For me, Jaime’s death went further because apart from the relationship he was like a teacher, «he added to said medium.

Flora also assured Suso in her show that for her Jaime was from another planet for his important sense of responsibility, because he was an unusual person; she clarified that this aspect of her personality was what made her fall in love with him.

Finally, Flora herself said in an interview that she did not agree with the character of Natasha Fonseca that supposedly portrayed her in the telenovela Garzon Lives. If you like Jaime Garzón and want to know a little more about his legacy, we invite you to see the most remembered phrases of this famous character.

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