Fireflies: where to see them in Mexico

July and August are the best months for the sighting of firefliesone of the Most beautiful nature shows in Mexico. Everything, thanks to the small bugs that are able to light their body to attract their partner, creating a true light show.

From the Chapultepec Forest in Mexico City to the Valley of Los Luciérnagas in Puebla, these impressive destinations are The ideal place to enjoy this show, In addition to having different Amenities to relax and disconnect of the daily routine.

Lightening can be seen throughout the country.Nitty Ditty / Unspash.

Fireflies, the bugs of light

Belonging to the family of the Lampíridos, The fireflies are actually beetles, Also known as «light bugs», thanks to the luminescent effect that produce through light organs when they absorb oxygen.

With more than 2000 species, these small insects usually live in warm and temperate regions, so it is common to find them in Asia and America. Thanks to the substance that produces Luciferina call During its mating time or as a defense mechanism, we can appreciate the incredible show of intermittent lights and in these places you can visit.

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Chapultepec forest in Mexico City

Although many do not know, it is possible See fireflies Without leaving Mexico Citybeing the Chapultepec forest the Spot Ideal to do it. Also called Forest Fairy, appear during this time of the year to fill the nights with light, so it is worth visiting it.