Find lost objects numerology (procedure)

Find lost items numerology Have you ever lost something like your wallet, money or keys? Have you ever lost something in your home or office and you were desperate trying to find it? Losing things is not a new problem.

The ancients, through their constant study of numerology, were able to determine where to look for objects and lost things.

Let’s see, next, how to find lost objects numerology


find lost objects numerology

The numerology method to find lost objects

The method is super simple.

1. Think about the item you have lost. See it in your mind. Imagine yourself holding it, imagine its weight in your hand.

2. Next, think of nine numbers between 1 and 9.

3. Write them down.

4. Add them up and reduce them until you get a one or two digit number.

5. Once you have your number(s), look it up in the table below and you’ll have clues as to where your lost item is lurking.

Here’s an example:

Imagine that you wrote down the numbers 9, 3, 4, 7, 1, 9, 1, 3, and 8, add them together, and get a result of 45. Then you can look at both numbers for your answer.


Finding Lost Items Numerology: List of Lost Item Numbers

(Numbers 1 to 5 do not apply).

6 (six): is near cleaning materials or footwear. Be careful not to blame anyone else.
7 (seven): it is close to clothing.
8 (eight): Someone you don’t like will bring it to you.
9 (nine): Someone young has taken him over, but he may not realize it. He will be returned to you as a gift.
10 (ten): Look for it in the room where you spend the most time during waking hours (this will not necessarily be) in your own home.
11 (eleven): The object is near a large body of water, such as the ocean, a lake, or a pond.
12 (twelve) – it is in a safe place and you will find it when you look for something else. Don’t look for it right now.
13 (thirteen): The object is in the closet where you keep your clothes, possibly in a hat or shoe box.
14 (fourteen) – It’s underwater and you may need a plumber to retrieve it. If the item is made of cloth, look through your umbrellas, coats, and head/neck clothing.
15 (fifteen): The object is near animals or things intended for animals. A child will participate in the recovery of it.
16 (sixteen): The object is permanently gone. Without being aware of it, losing him was something you wanted.
17 (seventeen) – It is near some other expensive items that are stored in some small place.
18 (eighteen): The object is close to soft objects such as pillows, clothing, towels, or blankets. You will find it and lose it again, but the second time you will not get it back.
19 (nineteen): it is near your house, but not near the water. Look for it near dry ground or sand.
20 (twenty): The object is inside the house, near the water. Look in the bathroom around the sink, bathtub, or water boiler.
21 (twenty one): You will find it in a small storage compartment. Look inside a file cabinet, briefcase, or purse.
22 (twenty two): You will find it soon. Pay close attention to your dreams for a sign.
23 (twenty-three): It is close to where you are right now, possibly under or inside furniture.
24 (twenty-four): Search the places where you have saved it in the past. Also, ask other household members to look for it, as they may have a better chance of retrieving it.
25 (twenty five): It is not very far from you, it is surrounded by something white or a light source.
26 (twenty-six): An older man knows where the object is, but he may not know that you are looking for it. He could be a relative.
27 (twenty seven): The object has been damaged. Look in the garage, maybe inside a car.
28 (twenty eight): Someone else has found it. They don’t want to give it back to you, so you have to relinquish ownership of it. This is a karmic lesson of detachment.
29 (twenty-nine): it will be returned to you by someone close to you, probably an elderly person or a very young child.
30 (thirty): The object was lost when he was with children, possibly doing something creative. Look through toys or art supplies.
31 (thirty-one): The object is not far from the hose, near moving water. You’ll find it.
32 (thirty-two): it is in a high place. Look outside the house on a window sill.
33 (thirty-three): The object is near a religious artifact that has been stored. Also, look at where you keep the Christmas decorations.
34 (thirty-four): You are in your home or workplace, near a source of light or heat.
35 (thirty-five): It is near the running water inside the house. But she won’t be able to see it unless she moves things.
36 (thirty-six): The object is in the possession of someone close to you. Look in the closets and storage places of the other people you live with.
37 (thirty-seven): Look near a religious artifact in your house, or in the house that is located to the east of where you are.
38 (thirty-eight): The object is outdoors and visible. You got lost while on a regular visit, such as a grocery store, a friend’s house, or a friend’s place of work.
39 (thirty-nine): It is in a high place, surrounded by objects related to play or creativity.
40 (forty): it is surrounded by soft material. It can be safely wrapped in some protective packaging.
41 (forty-one): It is in the lower part of a storage space, possibly near the shoes.
42 (forty-two): It is in a place where you cook, but probably not in your own home. Ask around at restaurants, cafes, or other eating places you’ve been to.
43 (forty-three): it is near a bed, lounge or sofa. Look where you rest, particularly between folded sheets or blankets.

44 (forty-four): The object is in a dirty or dusty place, or in a part of the house that is being remodeled. Wait for a worker to discover it.
45 (forty-five): You pass the object up close every day, so keep your senses open for it.
46 (forty-six): Ask a co-worker you feel close to about the object, but wait a few days from now.
47 (forty-seven): More than one person knows where the object is, but someone is not being truthful. Ask closely the people around you.
48 (forty-eight): The object is near water or cooking utensils. Try to find where you store alcoholic beverages.
49 (forty-nine): The object has been severely damaged and the chances of recovering it are slim. Don’t bother looking for it.
50 (Fifty): Since the item was lost, it has moved. Look carefully inside transport vehicles.
51 (fifty-one): It is in a church or other place of worship. Or it could be in a place of healing, such as a hospital or treatment center.
52 (fifty-two): At least one person has handled the object since it was lost. It is likely to be someone you have never met, even if it is close to someone you know well.

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52 (fifty-two): At least one person has handled the object since it was lost. It is likely to be someone you have never met, even if it is close to someone you know well.
53 (fifty-three): You are going on a trip and the object will be found during your absence. You will get it back on your return.
54 (fifty-three): The object is transported and moved from one place to another. You will get it back, but it may take a while.
55 (fifty-five): The object has been moved by water. She will find it, but not when she expects it.
56 (fifty-six): You need to retrace your steps right now. Even if he lost the item several days ago, it has recently happened again. There may be water nearby.
57 (fifty-seven): You lost the object while playing sports. Look inside the pockets of sports equipment.
58 (fifty-eight): Your chances of retrieving the item are slim, as you are the victim of someone else’s greed or anger.
59 (fifty-nine): The object is in a dry and dark place, probably a small cupboard. Look for it around food or kitchen utensils.
60 (sixty): There is no possibility of recovering the object.
61 (sixty-one): The object is likely to be exposed to the elements. Try looking in the basement, somewhere else under the house.
62 (sixty-two): You lost it a considerable distance from the house and you probably won’t get it back.
63 (sixty-three): The object is in a long-forgotten storage place, surrounded by old things.
64 (sixty-four): You will find the object when you clean or rearrange your house. No need to search for it now.
65 (sixty-five): You will pass by him in the next few hours, however, your chances of finding him are slim.
66 (sixty-six): Most likely the item was stolen. The thief can be recognized by his damaged hand or foot.
67 (sixty-seven): The item will be returned by a younger family member (probably a female).
68 (sixty-eight): The object has already been lost twice. Someone found it and lost it before returning it to you. (This will not be supported.) A third person will find it and then you will retrieve it.69 (sixty-nine): The object is a considerable distance from your home. It has been found, but the person who has it does not know that it is yours. Call friends or relatives you have visited recently.

70 (seventy): The object is not lost, it was simply lost. Try looking near the study materials.
71 (seventy): The object is close, possibly close to printed materials. You’ll find it when you relax.

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72 (seventy-two): Look in vases, bowls, jars, or other containers that have open tops.73 (seventy-three): Most likely the object was illegally taken from you. Consider involving the police or another official.
74 (seventy-four): It will be returned to you by someone whom you have not respected, or whom you have treated with some injustice.
75 (seventy-five): The object will be returned to you, but it will be damaged.
76 (seventy-six): The object is in the kitchen or pantry. Look for flour products nearby.
77 (seventy-seven): Will be found and returned to you, but only after you have done the potential seeker a favor. Don’t waste too much time searching now.
78 (seventy-eight): The object is close to the animals. But it is damaged and the chances of finding it are slim.
79 (seventy-nine): The object is in a metal container such as a tin box.
80 (eighty): It has been blocked with some other elements. It is now in a container within another container. You’ll find it when you’re not looking.
81 (eighty-one): He went out with the garbage; she won’t be able to get it back.


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