Fibrosarcoma in dogs – complete guide from the professional

For many dog ​​owners, the first shock is great when they suddenly notice one while petting their dog bumps under the skin feel.

Because in many cases it is a tumor that is either benign or malignant.

A fibrosarcoma in dogs is a tumor that is associated with specific symptoms.

In this article you will find out what symptoms these are and what the treatment options are.

Fibrosarcoma in dogs: what is it?

A fibrosarcoma is a soft tissue tumor. This means that it is found in the dog’s soft tissues.

This can be the subcutaneous tissue, for example, but also the oral cavity, the mouth.

Other parts of the body that can be affected include bones, Legseyes, nose, and liver and spleen.

Fibrosarcoma joins most often older dogs on. It is recognizable in the form of a capsule that can be clearly felt.

The tumor often develops after vaccination puncture site. The injection site should therefore be observed after a vaccination in order to notice any changes as quickly as possible.

Fibrosarcoma: symptoms in the dog

A fibrosarcoma is mainly recognized as a lump under the skin. This one is mostly soft and moveable.

The tumor has the property that it is very growing fast. If it is relatively small at the beginning, it can grow to the size of a hen’s egg in a few weeks.

Many dogs are affected by the tumor in theirs movement restricted. Depending on the location of the fibrosarcoma, the dog may even be unable to walk.

Furthermore, many dogs suffer from Pains at the affected site. Sensitivity to touch, coupled with a swelling or a lump are therefore important signs.

Unfortunately, the life expectancy of a fibrosarcoma is not very high, since the chances of recovery rather bad.

In many cases, the tumor comes back even after it has been removed, often after few weeks. Good treatment of fibrosarcoma is therefore important.


Since fibrosarcomas often develop after vaccinations, they are usually between the two shoulder bladeson the side of the chest or on the thigh.

Usually this is one single knot. In exceptional cases, however, several nodes or an entire strand can occur.

The knobs are rather soft and gummy. Sometimes they also appear cartilaginous. In addition, they can be moved.

If the fibrosarcoma grows into the epidermis, an ulcer can form, increasing the risk of inflammation.

These treatment options exist

The main treatment for fibrosarcoma is a surgical procedure, where the tumor is removed. This is followed by supportive treatments to prevent the tumor from returning.

Contrary to what a fibrosarcoma might suggest, it is not a definable tumor.

Instead, it grows into the tissue, which requires surgical removal later stage difficult. A distance of degree 1 is optimal.

One early detection is therefore essential to contain the progression of the disease and to increase the chances of recovery.

During the surgical procedure, not only the tumor itself is removed, but also the surrounding tissues taken at a distance of 3 cm from the tumor.

The supportive treatments are irradiation in the form of radiotherapy and chemotherapy as well as immunotherapy.

One Combination of all treatment options is the best chance of recovery according to the experience of veterinarians. Therapy with homeopathy alone is not recommended.

Good to know:

One advantage of fibrosarcoma is that it comes late metastases forms. These only appear at a very advanced stage.

By then, the actual tumor has been recognized in most cases and is already being treated.

Metastases often arise in the lungbut can also affect other parts of the body.

This is how you can support your dog

Since a fibrosarcoma often follows a Vaccination or injection occurs, you should monitor the puncture site closely so that you can react quickly to any changes.

However, if a fibrosarcoma has already formed, you can support your dog linseed oil administer. Many dog ​​owners report a positive effect of linseed oil on cancer.

You can just put the linseed oil under that lining Mix. It is particularly useful for diseases in the oral cavity.

However, this is enough not as the sole treatment and you should always consult a vet if fibrosarcoma is suspected. The linseed oil can only promote the healing process, but not simply make the tumor disappear.


A fibrosarcoma is a malignant tumorwho needs quick treatment. Within a few weeks, it can increase significantly. In the later stages, he begins to scatter, after which metastases form in the body.

The most effective treatment is to remove the tumor and remove surrounding tissue. Nevertheless, the chances of recovery from a fibrosarcoma are rather poor, since it relapsing characteristics has.

What is your experience with canine cancer?