Fern: how to take care of it, where to place it and what is its meaning

A fern It is the hanging plant you need, it is perfect to decorate your terrace, garden or enrich the interior of your home. This plant can look spectacular and very attractive as long as you take care of it correctly, in addition, it will provide freshness to your home and invade it with a positive atmosphere.

It is said that the fern It is the oldest plant on Earth and can generally be found in tropical regions, equatorial and Mediterranean areas. They are even called authentic living fossils; Augusto Monterroso, a Honduran writer, said «when he woke up the dinosaur, the ferns were already there.» Therefore, it is a special plant that, at present, is used as a perfect interior decoration requirement, so leads home and you will never regret it.

The ferns are good and beneficial to your home.Victoria Strukovskaya / UNSPLASH.

The fern and its meaning

He fern It is considered a protective plant and, according to Feng Shui, attracts fortune and can open energy fields, so, if you have one at home, you will feel a more positive and peace environment.

Where to place your fern

Generally, the fern It is an interior plant, even one of the best spaces where you can place it is in the bathroom, since this plant loves and needs moisture. It can also go in other spaces in your home, however, where it is not exposed to air currents such as passage, doors or corridors.

He fern It does not support the direct sun, so do not expose it unless it is an elice horn. Do not forget to move your air conditioning or heating away, they produce dryness in the environment and could dry your fern quickly.

Where should you place your fern?MILADA VIGERVA / PEXELS

The fern and its care

  • They are hanging plants: to maintain their beauty, you must spray on their fronds and pay frequently, preferably every 15 days in spring and summer.
  • No direct sun: it does not support the direct sun, the dry atmosphere, or even very cold, it is best to be in a wet space. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius.
  • A lot of water: as we already mentioned, to the fern He loves moisture, so in heat seasons the best thing is that irrigation is daily for you to keep the wet substrate; In winter you can lower the amount depending on how you notice the ground. Remember that irrigation should not be excessive, only what is necessary to keep it hydrated.