Fennel for luck and fennel esoteric properties

Fennel for luck This perennial plant, belonging to the Apiaceae family, with a feathery appearance, has large umbels of flowers that give seeds with an aniseed flavour. The Greeks used Fennel to combat obesity and to stimulate the flow of milk in nursing mothers.

The renowned Roman naturist and writer Pliny recommended fennel to strengthen vision and combat most optical disorders. In Greece it was prescribed to eliminate stomach discomfort in children under 12 years of age. During the Renaissance era it was the best known remedy against gastritis.

Fennel is commonly prescribed as a digestive aid. The infusion is indicated to relieve indigestion, colic, urinary disorders and stomach ulcers.

Tea is recommended to lower fever, cure flu and prevent colds. With the root a preparation is made, which is prescribed to excrete stones in the kidneys, and is considered a beneficial aid in the treatment of prostatitis. The essential oil is used to prevent and heal ailments of the respiratory tract.


Fennel esoteric and healing properties

The parts that are used in fennel are the seed, leaf, root

It is composed of vitamins, minerals, essential oil, fixed oils, phenolic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, furanocoumarins.

It has anesthetic, antibacterial, antiemetic, antifungal, anti-inflammatoryantispasmodic, antitussive, appetizer, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, galactogogue, mucolytic, hormonal regulator, stimulant.

Digestion • Improves energy by enhancing appetite, digestion and absorption. Helps the digestion of foods rich in fat. • Added to laxative preparations to relieve cramps. • Stabilizes blood glucose levels and reduces sugar cravings160. • May contribute to weight loss by speeding up metabolism and elimination. • Settles the stomach; relieves hiccups, colic, bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, halitosis, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. • Decongests the liver; clear the stalemate. Its volatile oil enhances liver regeneration.

Respiratory system • Decongestant and expectorant taken in hot herbal tea. • Relaxes the bronchi; it is useful for asthma and the cough.

Musculoskeletal system • Its diuretic effect favors the elimination of toxins, which in turn supports its anti-inflammatory effect for arthritis and gout.

Urinary system • Contributes to the elimination of toxins by the kidneys; It is used for cellulite, cystitis, fluid retention and urinary infections. • Helps dissolve stones.

Reproductive system • Antispasmodic; relieves menstrual pain. • Mildly estrogenic. Regulates the menstrual cycle; useful for amenorrhea, endometriosis, low libido and premenstrual syndrome. • Useful in menopause. • Stimulates milk production in nursing mothers.

External use • With the decoction of the seeds, an anti-inflammatory eye drop is prepared for irritated eyes and conjunctivitisand a sore throat gargle.

Regarding the esoteric, it can be noted that fennel is linked to protection, luck, healing, purification, abundance, sexuality, confidence, psychic ability, longevity, courage and fertility.


Fennel for luck

Next, let’s see how to prepare fennel for good luck:

Fennel for luck #1 Place a handful of fennel seeds in a green velvet bag and place in a pocket. Always go out with the bag, especially if you are going to buy a lottery or go to a casino.

Fennel for luck #2 Plant fennel around your house to attract good luck but also to provide total protection to the home.

Fennel for luck #3 Burn fennel seeds to remove negativity from your home and thus attract good luck.

Fennel for luck #4 Roll a candle in olive oil, then top with ground fennel seeds (or whole, they just don’t stick as well). Light a candle and let it burn down to zero, then bury the remaining wax away from your home to break down the negative and attract good luck.

Fennel for luck #5 Chewing fennel seeds before a presentation (especially a sales presentation) to give you courage, help you express yourself clearly, and for good luck. Fennel seeds have the added benefit of freshening breath. Chewing on the seeds will also give your memory a boost and help you stay focused during the presentation.

Fat burning juice with fennel


Other rituals with fennel

Place fennel seeds near windows to keep out unwanted visitors and malevolent energies.

To protect yourself from the negative, place a handful of fennel seed together with a handful of rue leaves in a metal container and burn as incense.

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