Feng Shui: Tips to learn to release and let go

It is not well known, but it is one of the main Benefits of Feng Shui is Learn to let go, learn to release. It is simply not to cover, not to sustain, not think, not keep what contains negative energy that corrupts the natural balance of our environment and the natural course of our lives.

It is one of the most important and most difficult lessons of the human being according to the philosophy of the Feng Shui and other currents of thought; However, this is possible with discipline, routines and habits that show us the most basic detachment, which is the material, until we reach the spiritual detachment. Here we tell you How the Feng Shui advises to start letting go and learn to let go.

It is not necessary to accumulate and accumulate objects, having the necessary tells the universe that we can receive more.Enzo Muñoz / Pexels

Less for more

The needs are that, there is not much to think about. If you look at it with objectivity, more things enter your home and your life than they are necessary, and when they enter, nothing usually graduates to balance energy. There an excess is already accumulating, a negative vibration is being generated and it is contributing to the imbalance.

This lesson of Feng Shui indicates that with Having only what is necessary generates an energy of abundance And clarity, you are being clear with the universe and give space to everything that is capable of giving you. This is living freely and without generating imaginary needs Neither future expectations nor attachments with the past. You know how to enjoy and take everything with the help of the balance. It is the ideal model for a better living.

Accumulating objects that we do not use or do not serve in rooms, boxes, bags or other places is a symptom of not knowing how to release.Ron Lach / Pexels

Rooms and other secret places

Whenever you accumulate there comes a time, the moment. We refer to that critical moment in which you have to make space for unneesary things; he Feng Shui He says that when you get to that point, bad energy begins to be generated.

Then closets, boxes, drawers, corners and even whole rooms and garages to keep all those things that should not be at home. From those that you do not want to eliminate by memories of the past, very entrenched emotions and even imaginary situations that you think will arrive in the future and for which you keep objects that in the present in the life you lead, you do not need. They are things that should not take place in your current life. Those secret places for private things should not exist, they are proof that We don't know how to let go.