Feng Shui tips to assemble your home office

Feng Shui is a practice of Chinese origin which seeks to generate energy harmony using elements such as light, plants and the orientation of spaces to improve its attraction within the home.

The Feng Shui tips can be applied in any space, both interior and exterior and can be applied in a room to sleep better or even in the work office to increase motivation. Feng Shui is always a useful tool for cleaning and balancing energy in order to improve general well -being.

With the normalization of Home Officewe have had to adapt the home spaces to some much more versatile and therefore, The home office is essential. These 10 tips will help you build a Home Work Space following the bases of Feng Shui.

Nature will always be the best option to purify a space and add life and color to spaces. Karolina recordowska / kaboomps

Fill the space with plants

According to Feng Shui, plants They are the best tools to clean and balance the energy of the spaces. This also applies to the office. Add plants such as delicious monster or The money plant In your space and you will notice the difference. In addition, plants provide better oxygenation and eliminate stress, so you will feel more motivation during your working hours.

Take care of lighting

It is always recommended tRabajar in a place with natural light, thanks to this full of life. In addition to the energy that the sun represents in the Feng Shui, It is important to work in a well -lit place to avoid damage to the view that can cause the blue light emitted by electronic.

Always keep your goals present to increase motivation and productivity. She Jardim / Unspash

Keep your goals present

When working it is important have the goals present Already sight, since this helps maintain motivation during work. This is why having a Vision Board o Table of objectives in your office is fundamental, According to Feng Shui. Create Tel Tuyo together with a series of images that represent your dreams and long -term goals, place it near you. But it is important that you also raise goals day by day and place them, also, on a blackboard or agenda near your work space.

Use the perfect colors

A factor that should never be forgotten In Feng Shui It is the use of color; In the office this applies more than somewhere else. It is advisable to use Neutral colors In this space to avoid distractions and bounce energy to promote motivation. The most recommended colors are the White, beige, cream, ivory or pearl gray thanks to the fact that they give a stylized and neutral touch to space without having to fall into boring.