Feng Shui tips that you should apply in your bedroom

The bedroom is the place of rest and intimacy par excellence, and according to Feng-Shui, its decoration It has a great impact on physical and psychological well -being. This millenary philosophy considers one of the key points of the home, because within it there is a safe space that safeguards privacy and provides protection when sleeping, the state where the body is most vulnerable. For this reason, when decorating your room consider these Feng-Shui tips They can help you rest better, improve your energy and your mood.

The location of the bedroom is equally important as its decoration.

Getty Images / Artjafara

What to do with the distribution of the bedroom according to Feng Shui?

Although it is almost impossible to choose the structure of the bedroom, The recommended ways that it should have are those called «complete»that is, the squares or rectangles. This is because your figure has all areas to configure it. Likewise, the quadrilaterals correspond to the Earth element, which provides greater stability and balance to the vital energy flow, known under the name Chi.

Space location

Before starting to decorate each area of ​​your house or apartment You should consider its location. To achieve optimal circulation of energy, the Bagua It is a map that allows to visualize the home as an energy plane. In this way, Feng-Shui recommends position the rest rooms in the northern part at the bottom of the housebecause this orientation represents the darkness and security that foster a deep sleep.

The bed is the most important element in the bedroom.


This tells us Feng Shui about bed orientation

The site of the bed is the first aspect that you should consider when accommodating the pieces that will make up your roomsince it will have a direct impact on your break. First, you should prevent your bed from accommodating, your feet are aligned with the door, because having your head in line with access to the fourth cause restlessness and vulnerability. However, if space prevents you from changing the bed, you can create a protective barrier at its feet with a trunk or stool.

Likewise, make sure the area under this furniture is free to allow the circulation of the Chi. Therefore, it is advisable that the bed is made of wood and high, without drawers. This also influences the attraction of success and favoring self -esteem.

As for the furniture of the furniture, we recommend you dress it with sheets of neutral colors and natural materials, such as cotton or linen. These foster renewal, while those of satin activate passion and joy.