Since the main objective of Feng Shui It is to generate harmony in the environment in which we develop, we must not forget any area of our house, and the kitchen is a very important space since it is the place where our food is stored and cooked. For that reason, the kitchen must always remain clean, tidy and with the right energy so that food lasts and multiplies.
In addition to amulets, a balanced decoration, the right colors and no damage, the kitchen must also be inhabited by the appropriate plants, they will provide the correct energy that in addition to cleaning the vibrations will provide protection and safety. Here we tell you what are the plants that the Feng Shui Recommend so that in your kitchen there is harmony and abundance.
According to Feng Shui, rosemary is excellent for imposing bad energies.Karolina recordowska / pexels
The rosemary is not only a very dear plant in the Feng Shuialso in other disciplines and areas that work with energy and vibrations. The reason is that the rosemary generates a lot of positive energy and protection wherever it goes. That is why he Feng Shui They recommend having a rosemary pot at the kitchen countertop.
You can also use dry rosemary for other abundance rituals such as the basins or bottles of fortune and you can put a little at your entrance door. However, a small pot with fresh rosemary will give your kitchen a lot of prosperity.
For Feng Shui, chamomile represents abundance and fortune.Gary Barnes / Pexels.
Chamomile is a health plant. Medically is a natural antiseptic, it serves to heal infections of all kinds when they are in a first stage, and for the Feng Shuichamomile means health and prosperity.
Place a chamomile pot in the kitchen will attract a lot of good luck and heal the energies of your home. If something fails, if there is any energy tobacconist or if your kitchen presents some bad vibrations, fresh chamomile will do its magic in your kitchen. The form of chamomile is also a representation of abundance and fortune, so it is so recommended by the Feng Shui.