Feng Shui: ornaments in your home for good fortune

The Feng Shuimore than a current trend or a way of designing our houses, it is a tool for well -being and fortune. If we know how to apply it correctly and take care of every detail, Feng Shui improves our environment and our life remarkably.

From accumulating positive energy, good health, success, fortune and balance, they are all the fields in which we can improve with the help of the Feng Shui. Since we talk about our house, the place where we develop our person and where we create and plan everything that has to do with our life, it is very important that we maintain balance and establish harmony even with the slightest detail, such as the objects with which we decorate. Here are some of those recommended by the Feng Shui to attract good fortune.

Its position helps regulate energy flow according to Feng Shui.Kevin Malik / Pexels

Hanging ornaments

Hanging objects or ornaments are highly recommended by the Feng Shuisince its position balances the energy of the entire home accelerating its circulation and creating a balance inside the whole place. They can be from plants, wind bells, paper bells or watches, any pendant object will help eliminate negative energy stagnations and act as an environmental cleaner inside your home.

According to Feng Shui, round furniture or ornaments help circulation of energy and do not cut their flowCUP OF COUPLE / PEXELS

Round tables

In any decoration, furniture or frame, the Feng Shui It always advises circular or oval forms. The ends in Punta cut the energy flow and anything good inside the home. Instead, objects such as round tables help energy circulate throughout the home so that each room is well balanced. In addition, the round tables give a very elegant touch to your entire decooón, if you combine them with other circular furniture you will have well -being and good taste in your environment.