Feng Shui: How to make your room more relaxing

As we know, the literal meaning of the word Feng Shui It is «wind and water»; However, their philosophy and their teachings go beyond these two words. Being harmony and good coexistence with space the main objective, it is natural that many of the advice apply to the decoration of the space we inhabit, that is, the home, which is our primary area of ​​development and rest.

The Chamber, as the main development and relaxation room, must be perfectly suitable for our rest and recreation. It must also be remembered that it is the place where you receive your guests and other people who carry energies outside your home, so it must always be well protected and balanced so that the balance of the whole home is not affected. Here are some tips from Feng Shui To turn your room into a rest paradise.

The first thing that Feng Shui advises is to look for the center through the Bagua map, and from there decorate.Max Vakhtbovych / Pexels

Locate the center

The first, says the Feng ShuiIt is to look for the center of your room, and from there start the disposition of your furniture and the rest of the decoration. You can do this with the help of the Bagua map and a compass. There are specialized compasses in Feng Shuibut you can do it with a common or an application.

Once you locate your center, place an element, it can be a center table, a plant furniture or some other decorative object so that the energy identifies said center and can circulate freely. He Feng Shui It advises that it is a round center table so that the energy flow is not cut. You can play with creativity when choosing your table.

In the room El Feng Shui recommends the water element to add calm and movement. Homelane.com / Pexels

Add water

Water, according to Feng Shuiit is the representative element of money, abundance, calm and fortune. Being your room, the space that receives external energies, you must have the water element well present so that home energy does not drain or decrease.

You can have the water itself, as in a small fishbowl or a miniature source, but if the space does not allow it, you can represent it. For this you only need blue in deep tones, some glass objects or reflective surfaces. However, you must take care of the balance, because too much water causes instability and depression.