Feng shui for love and marriage (rituals and amulets)

Feng shui for love and marriage Originally from China, Feng shui means wind and water, it consists of the harmonious arrangement of the spaces we inhabit, taking into account the forces of nature.

Therefore, we can say that Feng Shui is about enhancing the energy present in the space we inhabit to make it an ally of our personal feelings such as love, health, abundance, financial stability, as well as projects. professionals that we wish to advance successfully. Let’s see, next, more about feng shui for love and marriage.


How Feng Shui helps us to enhance and harmonize our feelings

According to the principles of Feng Shui, if a house is harmonized correctly, it attracts positive energies that include friendship and love.

In this sense, it is convenient to indicate that there is the Feng Shui of love which helps not only to attract love to those people who are sentimentally alone but also helps to strengthen passion and revive feelings, especially in couples who are about to part.

When a couple finds themselves in this difficult situation (constant arguments, fights, etc.), it is necessary to balance the yin and yang forces, which represent the feminine and the masculine. In this way the home will have harmony, peace and happiness.

However, to balance these forces, it is necessary to take into account some tips that must be applied in the house (and especially in the couple’s room) and that we describe below:


Tips to enhance love according to Feng Shui

As indicated above, there are important recommendations to harmonize and enhance love in the bedroom area according to Feng Shui:

-Keep the house clean and free of objects and clothes that you no longer use.

-The lighting of the room must be soft so that it favors the meeting of two souls that love and complement each other. Likewise, it should receive the sun’s rays and the morning breeze, since it favors the free flow of chi (energy),

-You should not bring the worries of the day (office, work, etc.) to the room, since this place is intended for rest and intimacy. It is also not advisable to argue in the room. If you have to deal with a controversial issue, it is best to find another place in the house or if it can be an open place like a park, much better.

-In the room you can place even objects (lamps, jars, figures, etc.), because being two symbolize loving happiness and if these objects are made of glass and have a yellow or red color, it is much better, since These elements activate the emotions and purify the environment.

-You should not have in your room devices that radiate electromagnetic energy such as television, radio, computer, mobile, as they cause irritation and trap sleep.

-Mirrors activate passion during the day, but before sleeping they should be covered with a cloth, as they can cause insomnia.

-If the bedroom has a bathroom, the door and the lid of the toilet must remain closed, otherwise positive energy could escape.

-Do not allow other people to enter your bedroom (much less sit on the bed, because they leave their mood impregnated in the environment and thus break the harmony.

-Objects related to love and marriage (photos, gifts, souvenirs, etc.) maximize the relationship.

-The bed, if possible made of wood (a material that helps maintain warmth in the relationship) should be facing north and if you can have a good view from the headboard, much better.


Feng shui for love amulets in the bedroom

mandarin ducks They symbolize love, fidelity and the union of couples. The male has the larger tail and is flattened upwards, they always swim in pairs and rarely mix with others. If you want to consolidate the love relationship, it is recommended to place them in the bedroom since this is one of the most intimate places in the home. You can write on the bae of each of them, your name and that of your partner.

bamboo flute It is a symbol of balance and harmony. If several are placed in the bedroom, the aim is to achieve balance in the couple, which avoids the appearance of arguments and fights.


Feng Shui ritual for love

Fen shui ritual for love (consolidate relationship) This ritual is conducive to perform it in a place full of nature, away from the noise and stress of the city. Get a two foot by two foot red rug, a yellow candle, three rose quartz, red flowers, a handful of mustard seeds, wheat, lentils, beans, and rice, a yellow piece of paper, and a new sphere. Sit on the mat and breathe slowly and deeply; With each exhalation you take out everything that bothers you and with each inhalation you allow the energy of love to enter your life.

Light the candle, place it on a plate and set it aside. Take the paper and write there your desire to have a partner, describing in detail how you want it to be, what you long for and what is best for you with respect to that new relationship. Get up, go to a tree and around it offer the quartz, flowers and grains in an attitude of gratitude for having been heard. Take the paper home and burn it when your request has been fulfilled.

also know Feng shui dining room Can it go to the entrance of the house or when entering the house?

Feng Shui ritual for love in the new year This ritual is very popular, simple and powerful. The appropriate date is the first full moon of the new year. The best time is sunset.

Get the necessary elements to make soap bubbles. Locate yourself in a quiet place, it can be a park, a garden or a place where nature is beautiful. Make bubbles, the bigger the better, and visualize yourself in each one with your partner, as you have dreamed. See how those bubbles rise to the sky and are your messengers, taking your request to the Moon. The Chinese say that the god of love lives in it. If you want to know more about feng shui for love and marriage, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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