Feng Shui: Basic rules for a healthy house

The second basic rule of Feng Shui for a healthy house is to know that everything is connected. Pixabay / Pexels


In it Feng Shui The environment is a reflection of our energy, and our energy is a reflection of our environment. If we really want a change, we must start with our space. Small actions range from cleaning and order. Your space should always be clean, in this way you will take out all the bad energy that your path and your well -being is obtaculizing.

Hence, you continue with other changes such as adding plants, amulets of good luck, colors and other objects. When you achieve an adequate harmony for you, your mental health will improve and then you will begin to change in an inner way, cleaning your mind and your emotional side. For him Feng Shui Everything is connected and everything is a reflection. There are no lost links, only corners that we forget and things that we must get rid of.

The third rule of Feng Shui is that everything constantly changes.NADINE WUCENAUER / PEXELS


Change is one of the most stress situations. In addition to fear and anxiety, the change causes that we do not give a step further and we have stagnant. Change, says the Feng Shuiit is a universal law and a rule in this life to grow, evolve and advance.

Try to make regular changes in your home, distribute the furniture, change the disposition of your decorations, renew your plants, and so on. It remains in motion so that energy flows freely and thus your home is balanced, stable and healthy.

The rules of Feng Shui They are very simple, following them and applying them is enough for your life to be filled with abundance, always accompanied by effort, discipline and hard work.