All your crystals should be cleaned frequently so that they do not accumulate bad energies and make your house and your environment, and what better time than to do it during the new moon. He Feng Shui It is advisable to clean all your windows and mirrors as well as glass surfaces you have at home. Prepare a salt or avinagrad water container and spray it on your crystals, then help yourself with newspaper to clean. This ritual is very useful when you must make decisions and you are insecure, or when you have doubts about some important matter. The energy of the new moon will help you make the best decision for your new stage.
Taking out the garbage and everything we do not need in the new moon tells the universe that we are ready for new things, Feng Shui tells us.Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas / Pexels
The new moon, the Feng Shuicomes with the energy and power of new opportunities, but they will not be able to arrive if you have your life occupied by the past and for things that no longer have a place in your home and in your surroundings. For this you have to make an eviction ritual, and this consists of getting everything that no longer serves, very worn clothes, very old furniture, broken objects and accumulated garbage, everything must leave your home on New Moon Night.
When doing this ritual you are telling the universe that there is space in your life for everything you have prepared for you, and that you are ready for everything that the future gives you, since you are energetically giving a place to the future getting rid of the past and what is no longer useful.
Just as this physical eviction is done, you can also do it mentally and emotionally, for this it is only enough to write all the bad experiences and the bad ties that you want to cut to give rise to the new experiences, it burns these leaves when you finish and take out the ash out the window.
The Feng Shui It is one of the best life advisors and best practices to improve the space you inhabit and the life you lead. Do not forget to make these rituals every new moon so that this exchange energy enters your vibration and all your energy is purified and opened to blessings.