Fear of commitment: why do so many people suffer from it, paralyzing their lives? – Online Psychologists

There are people who suffer from a strong fear of making a commitmentan inconvenience that can become the cause of a distancing between two people.

Relationships are not easy, especially if we are or are getting to know a person who is afraid of commitment. For these people, maintaining a relationship is a difficult task because it makes them feel very tense, something that in the most serious cases can become a phobia.

What is fear of commitment?

He fear of commitment It is not a pathology that is described as a mental problem. However, this fear can make the person who suffers from it, as well as the person who falls in love with it, lead a completely unhappy life.

These types of people tend to feel a very acute emotional discomfort when they feel very committed to people who are not their partners, but with whom they can achieve something, that is, they feel fear of having a long-term relationshipThis perception is due to the lack of control of emotions, which, when combined with negative thoughts about the relationship, causes it to break up without any reason since they were happy.

Some negative thoughts These may be fear of not meeting the other person's expectations, fear of the other person becoming emotionally dependent on them, or fear of making a mistake and having children and a formal life with a person who in the end is not the right one. These are some of the many thoughts that people who are afraid of getting into a serious relationship with a person may have.

Normally, when a relationship breaks up without reason, the person feels sorry for having made this decision because they were happy with the other person. Therefore, People who are afraid of commitment end up entering a loop that does not allow them to be happy.

So, getting to know someone, fear of commitment, breaking up and regretting are the steps these people follow.

Causes of this fear

Worry is the main cause of this fear. It is defined as an unreal mental construction, a thought or image of what could happen. Normally, worries are not good and we have the feeling that something bad is going to happen, something that increases when we think about what would happen if it were to happen.

People who suffer from this fear tend to have a Constant worry that does not let them move forwardFor example, he or she wonders whether he or she is in love or not, whether he or she really loves him or whether it is worth continuing the relationship. These obsessive thoughts lead to quite serious emotional discomfort: stress, anguish, anxiety, frustration… The person does not know how to deal with this situation and that is why he or she makes the decision to break off the relationship, expressing a feeling of relief in doing so. However, as time passes, the person tends to regret it.

This behavior that leads to a relief of emotional discomfort reinforces this idea of ​​managing their emotions in this way, something that does not allow the person to learn new strategies to alleviate or control their worries when wanting to maintain a long-term relationship. For the affected person, this technique ends up being very effective for manage your stress and emotional anxiety.

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Why does this fear appear?

Deep down we are always afraid of losing something, of losing our freedom, of losing control over our life, of losing someone, of losing our feelings, etc. It is normal.

Fear is not bad in itself, even if we perceive it as such. This fear appears when there are going to be changes in our life and it will produce a destabilization in our security, regardless of whether it is a positive or negative change.

That happens in relationships, when you meet someone and start sharing your life with that person you have to do new things and change habits, something that is not always easy but that you will have to do if you want to be with that person.

Sometimes it is given by the fear of depending on someone We are already losing ourselves. It doesn't happen to everyone, but there are people who develop a strong sense of autonomy and independence, so the fact of having a relationship with someone and that this can create independence makes them put themselves first because they think that their essence can be affected.

There are also people who have the need to be free and not miss opportunitiesThey don't want to give up anything for anyone and commitment for them is like getting into a dead end, since they feel like they are missing out on things by being in a relationship.

On the other hand, there are people who have fear that the relationship will not turn out as expected. For this reason, from the beginning they do not give themselves and cause the relationship not to advance and to stagnate.

Another very common aspect is a bad personal experience. If a person has been in a relationship that didn't work out, that was hard to get over and made them suffer, they enter into a constant negative thinking process, thinking that this could happen again. They are afraid of not “being in the right relationship” or that the other person will leave them without warning, be unfaithful or make them suffer.

It may also be related to the childhoodIf the person has suffered trauma or abuse or has been in a difficult family, they may feel reluctant to make a serious commitment to a person. This is because a secure attachment was not created during their childhood and, deep down, they still believe that others are untrustworthy, so they want to protect their feelings.

Psychological profile

Many people think that men suffer from this fear more, which is not true. The change in mentality has made women have economic and professional independence, and they do not live to support their partner, to get married or have children, something that makes them also afraid of commitment (or they had it before but society did not let them express their emotions).

The psychological profile of these people presents the following characteristics:

  • They avoid making decisions that represent progress: introduce your family, get married, have children, live together…
  • He is not able to tell his partner what is happening to him which ultimately creates a climate of unease in the couple, causing the breakup.
  • HE self deceives and tries to deceive his partner by saying that the relationship is not going well, the perfect excuse to break up.
  • Instead of thinking about what their partner brings to them They think negatively and everything they miss out on by hanging out with her.
  • It is common for this to occur in immature people or with little ability to manage their feelings. Sometimes, it is their parents who make them afraid of commitment, as they are the ones who do not let them leave their family home and prevent them from starting a new life with their partner.
  • At the time of making plans, he prefers to do it with his friends and that your partner does not appear.
  • They feel that their partner depends on them and they are afraid of hurting him, of leaving him later and of becoming confused, therefore, they prefer to end the relationship and not have those feelings of guilt.
  • When they are in a important point of the relationship to take a further step, they begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed and break up with their partner for no reason.

Tips to overcome the fear of commitment

  • If you need to go to your own rhythmtell him/her. Each person is different and we don't have to agree with our partner. If you haven't decided yet to take a step, it's better to tell him/her than to keep quiet.
  • Talk to your partner. The communication It is essential in a relationship. If something is wrong with you or you are feeling bad about her, it is better to tell her so that it changes. If you don't tell her, nothing will change. If they are minor things, it is not necessary to tell her because it can create discomfort in the relationship, but if they are important matters, yes.
  • When you talk about feelings, do it in first personSome examples might be, “I’m not comfortable with the relationship,” instead of saying, “this relationship isn’t working.”
  • Associate what worries you with your discomfortnot with the relationship. It may be that we are wrong about something but it is not because of the relationship.
  • An exercise can be to do three columns: In the first one, write about what you are afraid of happening, in the second one, what has actually happened of all the things you are afraid of, and in the third one, write about all the good things in your relationship. Reflect on it.
  • Before making a decision, think about a future with that person. If you are in a critical state, it is better look for other alternatives and not directly end the relationship.
  • Consult a psychologist If you don't see yourself capable of moving forward. In The first online therapy session is free.

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  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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