Fast luck prayer (for good luck at work and more)

Fast luck prayer / Prayer to be lucky / powerful prayer to always have good luck / prayer to attract clients There are prayers that help us and provide good luck to get a good job and to attract success and prosperity.

Next, let’s see quick luck prayer


effective sentences

Fast luck prayer (generally speaking) #1

O Sovereign Spirit! If you believe that I must still spend many days on earth suffering the inconveniences that destiny repairs for me, your will be done;

I resign myself to your decree, but keep in mind my healthy purposes at this moment in which I invoke you, the need is that I find myself and if it is written in the book of my destiny, may my vows be satisfactorily attended to, which are expressed with all sincerity in my heart.



Fast luck prayer (prosperity) #2

With the help of the Lord I do not lack any good thing I have my wallet blessed by the Lord, open not only to receive but also to give to the needy.

Lord, allow me to use this money wisely and share it with my brothers as you command!

There is no way closed to me. If I have any need or if I need more abundance, I seek God who shows me the way to go, if I have faith and dare to believe.

!Oh Lord! You who have the power to give to the needy, help me solve my problems and do not allow me to lack health and money to meet my needs.

Say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys.


Fast luck prayer (to attract customers) #3

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, only one God in essence and triune in persons.

I call on you, Spirit, Spirit, benevolent Spirit to be my help, my support; protect my body and my soul, increase my riches, be my treasure for the virtue of the Holy Cross, from the passion and death of the Almighty I require you by all the Angels of the heavenly court for the sufferings of the blessed ever Virgin Mary and for the Lord of hosts who is to judge the living and the dead.

To you, who are alpha and omega, Emperor of kings, Messiah, Lord and my God whom all the Saints invoke, I consider you and bless you and for your precious blood that you shed to save the sinner I deign to celebrate my vows, Amen

Three Our Fathers to the Holy Trinity and one Our Father to the Eternal Father because you follow in my footsteps. Amen


Fast luck prayer (win the lottery) #4

It is necessary before going to bed to pray this prayer devoutly, after which you will place it under the pillow.

O mysterious Holy Spirit direct all the threads of our lives! Come down to my humble abode enlighten me to get, through the secret chances of the lottery, the prize that fortune, well-being and rest will give me.

Penetrate my soul, examine me. See that my intentions are pure and noble and that they are directed to the benefit of myself and humanity in general.

I do not covet riches to show myself selfish and tyrannical. I want the money to buy the peace of my soul and the fortune of those I love and the prosperity of my companies. I promise that I will distribute part of it to those most in need.


Fast luck prayer (at work and ward off envy and bad intentions) #5

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord, I want to ask for wealth, prosperity and money to live well.
We ask you, Lord, that I do not lack work to live well and prosper.
Lord, increase in me confidence in your providence and good luck in life.
Lord, remove the anxiety and fear that I will miss something for the next day.
Take care of us, Lord, make sure I achieve balance in my work and family.
Keep luck and opportunities at bay.
Remove, Lord, from my life those who can hurt me.
Stay away, Lord, from people who approach you with bad intentions. Give an idea of ​​the business to be carried out.
Lord God, we ask you: (make your request)
Give me a cooperative spirit, a spirit of love, solidarity and justice.
Lord God, show your power to end financial crisis and bad luck.
Help me out of this situation.
That I do not lack what is necessary at the end of the month, that I can provide my relatives with health, education, dignity in housing, wealth and abundance
Lord, you are well aware of the economic difficulties I have been through, let me finish now.
Help me overcome financial problems.
Lord help me to overcome financial problems and bad luck.


Fast luck prayer (to always have good luck) #6

Save the light from the light, save the remote stream from the great phalanxes of the light.

I invoke the sovereign power of luck in my life and in everything I intend to do or need.

May my bread not lack the necessary bread for life, the light of the world, the light of luck, life and the way.

In the name of the Lord God, luck, to overcome problems, to balance our lives, businesses and opportunities.

I will have protection at all times of my life and defense against enemies so that they do not have the strength to stand in my way.

Seventy times I invoke luck, seventy times I am lucky, seventy times I will be lucky in the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit.

I will have by my side seventy times, seventy lucky angels.

So be it!


Fast luck prayer (financial luck) #7

.May God our Lord listen to this request of mine and grant me the graces of his favors.

On my behalf and on behalf of all those who depend on me, I ask for the glorious hand of God in my life.

May he intercede in my favor and help me in my financial luck.

Help me to have a good job, better paid, with better conditions, so that I can get more money to support all those who depend on me.

That you remove from my financial life all those people who only want to hurt me.

I ask you to remove from my life the envy, the evil eye, the spells and even the witchcraft that I may have done.

I make this request so that God our Lord makes a complete opening of my financial paths.

So that money comes into my life, so that unexpected expenses do not appear at the last moment…

For my money to last longer and for me to finally be financially successful.

I pray for myself and for all those who depend on me.

I count on the good graces of God and with all his divine and celestial powers.



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