Explanation of the meaning of the brown candle [con simbolismo y rituales gratuitos] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Brown candles remind us of the earth, trees, nature, and precisely for that reason, they are candles of stability. Let’s learn more about the meaning and symbolism of a brown candle.

How should brown candles be used?

Brown candles are used in rituals in which we want to preserve something we already have.

We use them when we don’t want to eliminate something from our lives, and we don’t use them to attract something, we use them when we want to keep something.

Thus, if something is going well, for example, if a relationship is strong, if a job makes us happy or, in short, if we have a situation in which we feel happy, we can practice a ritual with brown candles to wish that it never ends. .

In addition, by somehow remembering the earth and Mother Nature, it is used in fertility rituals, it also makes sense in the desire for the seed to remain and flourish within us. So keep that in mind!

If you are in a delicate moment, do not use brown candles. It is a candle that also evokes feelings from the past, so if you plan to use one, you must have a strong spirit.

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Meaning of the Color Brown

Brown is the color of the earth, so it means that when we step on the earth, we are settled on it, and on it, we stand firm.

Hence, turning on the color brown is done to maintain the ground we walk on. That is regardless of the field of life we ​​are referring to.

Elements associated with Brown

More than ever, natural elements are essential because brown is all about energy in the earth.

The elements are the following:

  • Stone: Onyx
  • Planet Jupiter
  • Day of the week: Thursday
  • Flowers: Honeysuckle
  • Time: Afternoon
  • Number 4

Onyx is a very forceful stone, semi-precious and, at the same time, rough in appearance. It is known to be an antidepressant.

Jupiter invites reflection, it is a planet prone to intelligence, thought and coherence, and that is why in this case it is very good to want to keep your feet on the ground when everything is going well and not do crazy things.

Thursday is known as a serious day. On Thursdays we become more aware of problems or happiness.

Honeysuckle is a flower that is associated with the purity of the earth, hence its use in rituals with brown candles.

Rituals should always be done, including meditation, in the afternoons. This time of day is always calmer and more appropriate to perform a ritual.

The number chosen in this case is 4.

Meaning of brown candles

A brown candle is the color of our earth and represents the element of soil. It is very comforting, nourishing, fertile and stable, and maintains a balanced vibration and a firm connection with the earth.

Helps with organization, common sense, eliminates indecision, promotes concentration (especially when combined with yellow candles), learning, concentration, clear thinking and decision making.

Brown candles promote intuition, psychic powers, extrasensory perception and telepathic abilities to help find lost items.

Fast facts

  • Planets: Earth, Saturn, Pluto
  • Saturday
  • Chakras: Feet, sacrum, solar plexus
  • Astrological sign: Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Virgo (dark brown), Scorpio (reddish brown)
  • Numerology: 4, 8

Brown candle rituals

They are widely used in spells for balance, grounding, stability, education, earth magic, animal magic, home magic, friendships, agriculture and travel.

Also, to attract money, to overcome a financial crisis (especially when combined with green candles), healing, longevity, beginnings, rebirth/renewal.

These are the three most frequent uses of brown candles in white magic:

  1. Pregnancy: Brown is the color of the earth, which represents fertility. For this reason, candles of this color are key in any white magic spell to ask the forces of the universe for pregnancy.
  2. Stability: As we have noted, brown is a color that symbolizes stability. Thus, brown sails are widely used in moorings related to a successful professional future, a strong and consolidated relationship…
  3. Cleaning: Currently, unfortunately, we live in a world in which envy is widespread. Brown candles help cleanse the soul of everything negative and expel everything that destabilizes the situation. For example, in moorings to achieve a job promotion in a hostile work environment with other colleagues.

4 White Magic Spells and Rituals with Brown Candles

Fortune spell with brown candles

A white magic spell that seeks to attract economic wealth.

Things you need:

  • Brown candle (small and thin)
  • rosemary leaves
  • matches and paper
  • Bag

How it is made:

Place a brown candle in the center of the table.

Around it, place some rosemary leaves.

Light the candle with a match and, on a piece of paper, write three wishes that have to do with money.

Then, place the paper over the flame and let it burn slowly.

When the brown candle has burned down, store the rosemary leaves, the ashes of the paper and the remains of the wax in a bag.

Bury it in the garden.

Success Ritual With Brown And Chocolate Candles

Things you need:

  • Brown candle (small and thin)
  • Chocolate
  • Matches and brown paper
  • Green pen

How it is made:

On brown paper or parchment, write your main goal in green ink.

Below are the steps you must complete to achieve this.

Roll up the paper or parchment and store it in a convenient location.

Each time you complete one of the steps, eat some chocolate as a reward.

When you achieve the main goal, light a brown candle and extinguish it with a piece of chocolate.

Doing this will show gratitude to the chocolate for its influence.

Brown Candle Ritual of Generosity

Gaea is the most generous Goddess. If we treat her well, she offers us resources, fruits, flowers and food. If we don’t, she punishes us with natural disasters.

If you want your boss or family leader to be more generous and kind, do the following ritual.

Things you need:

  • Brown candles (at least five)
  • Something that belongs to the person you want to influence.
  • Paper
  • glass cup
  • sweet grass

How it is made:

Make a circle with brown candles around something that belongs to that person.

Then place a glass glass with a sweet herb infusion and a piece of paper with your name inside, in the middle of this circle.

Say it loud:

May Mother Earth fill this person with abundance and generously distribute her blessings among her circle of loved ones, and may drought strike her if she withholds them out of greed.

Concentration ritual for teenagers

It is quite common for teenagers to dream about something and abandon what is truly important, such as their education.

This ritual will help you put your foot on the ground.

Things you need:

How it is made:

In the teen’s bedroom, place a sprig of rosemary under his mattress.

Then light a brown candle on a desk or near your study area.

While it burns, visualize that child studying, graduating, getting their first job and succeeding.

Then you must blow out the candle and leave a drop of wax on the floor under your bed.

Immediately after seeing him, tell him with a smile that you are proud of him and that you hope to see him achieve success.

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