Everything you should know about the mysterious Cecil Hotel

Surrounded by Mystery and unfortunate eventshe Cecil Hotel A emerged again in the conversations thanks to the premiere of «Crime scene», The Netflix documentary.

Located in Los Angeles, California, this lodging is known by Host stories of terrible murders and suicides Since its opening in 1927, shortly before the great depression in the United States.

Next, we share Everything you should know about the Cecil Hotel and the unfortunate events that have occurred there.

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Cecil Hotel History

The history of Cecil Hotel dates back to 1924, when William Banks Hanner, Robert H. Schops and Charles L. Dix They associated to create the highest luxury hotel In Los Angeles, California.

Designed by Loy Lester Herrero With a Beaux Arts architectural style, This hotel with 700 rooms, an opulent lobby made of marble, windows with vitars and alabaster statues, required an investment of 1.5 million dollars, however, with the arrival of the Great Depression The enclosure was slowly declining.

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Unfortunate events

Throughout the decline of Cecil Hotel Due to the great depression, a series of unfortunate events such as suicides and violent deaths began to become frequent in this enclosure.

The first documented suicide was recorded in 1931, when a guest called WK NortonHe died in his room after having ingested poisonous pills. However, the number of suicides increased during the forties and fifty, so in the sixties this hotel nicknamed «The Suicide Hotel».