Everything you need to know! (Counselor)

Sooner or later it hits a lot of dogs – they lose a few droplets of urine uncontrollably.

Incontinence in dogs usually begins with a small mishap, for example bwhen getting up or walking around.

We shed light on incontinence in dogs and what helps against it!

Incontinence in dogs: These are the most common causes

Incontinence means that the passing of urine are no longer controlled can.

Possible causes can be, for example castrations, malformations or diseases be.

A distinction is made between bladder weakness, as incontinence is also called Primary urinary incontinence and Secondary urinary incontinence

Primary urinary incontinence

What is the Difference between primary and secondary urinary incontinence? You will find out now!


Straight bitches tend after castration to incontinence. This usually occurs with age.

The bladder sphincter weakens. The reason for this is the lack Estrogen, which is no longer produced after castration.

This leads to a weakening of connective tissue and muscles.

Good to know:

On top of that bitches a shorter and straighter urethra have as males. Therefore, bitches are affected more often.

Ectopic ureter

At this malformation the ureter does not open into the bladder but directly into the urethra.

Worst case will be both sphincters bypassed. This depends on how deep the ureter is in the urethra.

Dog breeds that are particularly often affected by this malformation: Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, boxers.

Secondary urinary incontinence

There is also secondary urinary incontinence a series of triggersespecially diseases.

Conditions that can cause incontinence:

  • cystitis
  • kidney diseases
  • bladder stones
  • diabetes
  • tumors
  • Nerve injuries (herniated disc or accident)
  • Dementia (dog does not notice the urge to urinate)
  • Osteoarthritis (weakening of the muscles)

Symptoms & signs of incontinence in dogs

This is a typical symptom of incontinence drop by drop Lose of urine. But it can also be permanent urine flow come.

If the old dog is incontinent while sleeping, the castration be a trigger.

In fact, it also happens to a young dog to be incontinent in his sleep when the housebreaking not sitting like that yet.

If there is an inflammatory cause for the incontinence strength Pains, loss of appetite, Fever and a worse general condition in addition.

Another typical sign is this constant and painful urination.

At what age does incontinence appear in dogs?

incontinence can at any age appear. The key is the trigger.

Occurs the incontinence through a illness or the administration of medication on, it can affect dogs of any age.

lies one malformation before, incontinence can from a young age appear.

In castrated bitches, the Incontinence more likely in old age on.

Treatment of incontinence at the veterinarian

Your dog is suddenly incontinent. What to do?

Make an appointment with your as soon as possible vetto clear the trigger!

Incontinence in dogs – medication, operations and Co. that help

Incontinence in dogs – what helps? Treatment depends on the cause. So are Drugs such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics etc. not the sole solution.

It’s not enough only treat the consequences (incontinence in dogs).

deformities and tumors are usually treated surgically. In addition, in tumors chemotherapy and radiation help.

urinary stones can be surgically removed. Another option is one specific dietwhich should dissolve the stones.

bladder infections are usually with anti-inflammatories treated. If bacteria are the trigger, antibiotics administered.

In case of incontinence castration help acupuncture, neural therapy and sympathomimetics.

Also one surgery can alleviate or even completely eliminate the symptoms.

Dog suddenly incontinent, what to do?

Below we have 3 good tips for you and your four-legged friend!

1.Conventional medicine

First point of contact for incontinence should always be the vet. He’s the expert who will figure out what’s causing it.

2. Home remedies for incontinence

In addition to conventional medicine, there are herbal remedies that you can give your dog to help. This includes pumpkin seeds and cranberries

Also herbs like goldenrod, nettle and willow bark can boost your dog’s immune system.

Pumpkin seeds against incontinence

pumpkin seeds help against incontinence because they support the muscles. As well as cranberries they have an antibacterial effect.

3. Homeopathy

There are also ways in homeopathy to to help dogs with continence.

sepia (squid) should be able to balance the hormone balance. This would support incontinence after castration.

propaline contains the active ingredient phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. If castration is the trigger for incontinence, this should help against sphincter weakness.


Also, or especially when using homeopathy and household remedies such as propaline, it is important to have the causes of the dog’s incontinence clarified by a veterinarian.

Drug incontinence in dogs?

Actually Some medications can increase the urge to urinate! Let’s take a closer look at what drugs these are.

Dog incontinent from antibiotics?

Usually there is no connection between bladder weakness and the administration of antibiotics.

The dog does not become incontinent from antibiotics, but from them cystitisagainst which these are given.

Cortisone as a trigger

Unlike antibiotics, it can administration of cortisone lead to slight bladder weakness.

The cortisone stores water, which leads to a increased urination leads.

Incontinent through drainage tablets?

through the «driving» effect of water tablets your dog has to pee more often. It can happen that a few droplets go wrong.

By the way, a dog can too after the anesthesia be incontinent This is due to the medication during the surgery.

The dog is after the anesthetic though only temporarily incontinent!

Products that make your life with an incontinent dog easier

Products such as diapers for incontinent dogs or certain pads on the berths are worth their weight in gold for you and your four-legged friend with urinary incontinence.

Here are a few that many dog ​​owners use good experiences have made.


There are in trade different diapers for an incontinent dog.

Diapers for males and females are designed differently. So use them in the right places.

Incontinence cover for the dog bed

So that you don’t have to wash the entire dog bed every time, protects the cover the dog bed.

incontinence pad

The incontinence pad is also helpful. She sucks the urine on.

Dog is incontinent – when to put it to sleep?

As long as your dog not suffering, not in pain and eating well, is there no reasonto put an incontinent dog to sleep.

It is also important for this decision through which causing incontinence in your dog.

Bladder infection and bladder stones are easily treatable. If nerves are destroyed or if your dog has an untreatable tumor, Prognosis not so good.

Should your dog no quality of life have more and suffer, then he should definitely be redeemed.


Incontinence is always just a symptom. The cause has to be found. This must then be treated.

Realize that your dog is not «dirty» on purpose. He can’t control that.

Walk your dog more often outwards. In this way, one or the other mishap can be prevented.

Make your incontinent dog feel that he is not doing anything wrong. He’s less stressed that way.

Do you have Experiences with an incontinent dog? how did you deal with it Please leave us a comment.