Everything you need to know about the breed

Are you a dog fan and do you especially like small dogs? Can you between the individual mini dogs but not really decide?

Then maybe we can help you – with our detailed Breed portrait of the cute Affenpinscher.

Here you can find out everything you need to know about this breed.

Affenpinscher profile

Size Male: up to 30 cm, female: up to 25 cmWeightMale: up to 6 kg, female: up to 4 kgColorsBlack (grey, silver, tan, red, Belgian may occur; however, these colors are not desirable according to the breed standard)Life expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginGermany & Francecharacter/temperamentAffectionate, intelligent, bold, vivacious, alert, alert, courageous, braveFCI groupGroup 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molosser – Swiss Mountain Dogs, Section 1.1: Pinscher and Schnauzer


The Affenpinscher has one very characteristic appearance. He has one small and compact physiquewhich of course is the first thing that catches the eye.

What is really striking is his Headthe one absolutely idiosyncratic shape (and actually everything about this brat is somehow idiosyncratic 😊).

In fact, he should head reminiscent of a monkey – hence the unflattering name of the breed.

This resemblance is also taken over by the facial expression, which is also supposed to be reminiscent of a monkey. Associations with primates end here, however.

Because they are at least as characteristic of the Affenpinscher small round ears and the slight underbite.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The Affenpinscher has a long coat that is hard in texture and also a bit unruly (like the character of the little fur nose).

That is particularly noticeable fur on the head. Because the Affenpinscher has not only bushy eyebrowsbut also real whiskers.

In addition, his small beady eyes are surrounded by a fringe of hair.

Already knew?

The dog, which also has its origins in France, has a special nickname there:

Diabletin Mustache. That means nothing other than «little devil with whiskers».

Here, however, reference is not only made to his coat, but also to his character and temperament.

meanwhile is according to the breed standard unfortunately only one color allowed, namely black. This applies to both the top coat and the undercoat.

Of course, other colors can also appear – but then it is not a genuine «pedigree Affenpinscher».

eye colors

The cute and cheeky looking at the world button eyes of the Affenpinscher are dark brown to black.

Height Weight

Affenpinscher can weighs between 4 and 6 kilograms become, and at one Height at the withers or shouldersthe between 25 and 30 centimeters lies.

The following applies here: Affenpinscher males are a little bigger and heavierthan the Affenpinscher females.

History & origin of the Affenpinscher

Today is the Affenpinscher one of the rarest dog breeds the world – and is also one of the oldest. Because it is by no means a fad.

In fact, the Affenpinscher or its predecessor already in the 15th century (and thus probably earlier) to have been kept as a dog.

At least that’s what the painting wants it to be The Arnolfini Wedding by the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck.

In its former form, the Affenpinscher was the Companion dog of, among other things, traveling traders and coachmen.

And for a good reason. On the one hand, the little brat can run long distances.

On the other hand, he is very alert and above and beyond an excellent rat catcher. And that was a really life-extending quality in the Middle Ages.

The Affenpinscher in its current form should be his Origin in Germany have, more precisely, in the south. But also France seems to see itself as the country of origin.

Incidentally, the Affenpinscher is a separate breed since 1955 by the FCI accepted.

Nature and character of the Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher is sort of a little dr Jekyll on four paws. Because this fur nose can be a sly old dog and become a canine Mr. Hyde (don’t worry, he’s still harmless!).

Because he is bored – the absolute maximum penalty For this fun-loving and active dog – he certainly can stubborn become.

The result: his short-tempered temperament comes to the fore and he becomes cheeky and tries to get his own way. In addition, he is incorruptible.

So be prepared that you bring a dog into your house that will try to wrap you around its little paws again and again.

And know that you will forgive him for that, because he is equally cuddly, charming and playful is.

In addition, the little brat very affectionate and sociable as well as brave, curious and adventurous. And one thing is for sure: it never gets boring with this breed!

attitude & upbringing

How do nature and character affect the attitude and upbringing of the Affenpinscher? We will now explain this to you in more detail.


The Affenpinscher is one of the small dog breeds and is therefore also suitable for the City and apartment keeping suitable.

But please don’t forget that the little rascal a above-average level of movement and related employment needs.

Because the Affenpinscher loves to romp and play. And put one at the same time amazing endurance on the day.

This almost childish mind makes him too perfect family dog. However, small children in particular should learn early on that the Affenpinscher is not a stuffed animal.

Because if something doesn’t suit him, he’ll show it pretty clearly.


As you surely know, is Consistency is the magic wordwhen it comes to dogs and their training.

This is due to two main reasons. For one thing, dogs are used to having a “boss” in their pack.

On the other hand, they are very intelligent and quite capable of getting her own way. And to dance on your nose as a result.

This applies in particular to the Affenpinscher. Not only his look is cheeky – also parts of his being.

Added one high intelligence and a tendency to stubbornness.

So the perfect ingredients to challenge non-consistent parenting to become.

It is best to start training when your new roommate still in puppy age is.

Because at this age she is Socialization not yet completethe little brat is very capable of learning and receptive.

Health & Care

How about that Health and the Care the Affenpinscher? Of course, there are a few things to consider here as well.

Grooming & General Grooming

The grooming of the Affenpinscher usually falls more intense out of. The reason is the long fur. If this is not combed and brushed regularly, it is not only dirty.

It also prone to tangles. These in turn look ugly and can provide parasites with good breeding ground.

Add to that the fur trimmed at least twice a year should be. The Affenpinscher does not have to be given a weekly bath for this.

Already knew?

Combing and brushing is not every dog’s favorite pastime. So that you don’t have to fight one or the other wrestling match here later, get your Affenpinscher used to grooming his fur while he is a puppy.

This should work best if you’re using it make a ritual out of it and he receives a reward if he has allowed himself to be combed without resistance.

Caring for your Affenpinscher also means that you regularly check your eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The eyes in particular can quickly become inflamed if the fur is too long.

And so that your fur nose is always alert, care is also part of it annual routine check-ups at the vet as well as vaccinations and wormers.


The Affenpinscher is considered a breed with very robust health. Diseases typical of the breed are not known.

With your new roommate, however, you should make sure that the Snout and nose not «pinched», i.e. too short, are. If this is the case, the little rascal can definitely suffer from respiratory problems.

These include, among others, the hip dysplasiathe patellar dislocation as well as diseases of the trachea.

Life expectancy

The little bundle of energy can an age of 12 to 14 years to reach. You can actively support the little rascal with a few things yourself.

Among other things, through a species-appropriate diet and of course a lot of love and affection.

Is the Affenpinscher right for me?

The Affenpinscher is a very active and playful dog. Accordingly, it suits you best if you are an active person yourself.

Also as family dog the cute and stubborn fur nose is a great dog.

Another requirement in addition to consistent education: Sufficient leisure and timeto deal with the Affenpinscher.

Because this fur nose can quickly become stubborn and stubborn when not challenged.

Of course, the question of «does a dog suit me» always includes additional considerations.

For example, whether the financial means are available to take care of the four-legged friend in a species-appropriate manner.

Finally, you must always be aware that you responsibility for a living being take over – even if the Affenpinscher is one of those dogs that looks like a fluffy stuffed animal.

Fun facts about the Affenpinscher

Facts, facts, facts – now you have learned the important things about the Affenpinscher. But the little rascal wouldn’t be a rascal if it didn’t exist also some fun facts to him.

Affenpinscher Banana Joe won the title of America’s Most Beautiful Dog in 2013 at the prestigious Westminster Dog Show in New York.

The archetype of today’s Affenpinscher was a popular model for Renaissance paintings.

So this breed has not only in the Arnolfini Wedding cheated but also in the works of Albrecht Dürer. Who needs that mona lisa?!

For a while, the Affenpinscher was a popular “fashion dog”, especially among women.

The Affenpinscher can reach top speeds of up to 24 km/h – and is therefore significantly faster than the average jogger.

The Affenpinscher is a very people-oriented dog. Being left alone by you is not one of his favorite pastimes.

This list could be continued indefinitely. Maybe you can contribute one or two anecdotes here because you already live with an Affenpinscher?

Then of course we would be happy if you share them with us and other Affenpinscher fans in the comments 😊