Eucalyptus esoteric meaning, magical and ritual properties

Eucalyptus esoteric meaning Eucalyptus is native to Australia and the island of Tasmania, although its plantation has spread throughout the globe. There are more than 130 species of eucalyptus, many of which are as useful as Eucalyptus globulus. It is a large tree, 30 to 35 meters tall and can reach more than 100 meters in its natural environment. The trunk is smooth, ashy in color, and its bark spontaneously exfoliates in large sheets.

The leaves are entire, leathery and evergreen, but different in shape depending on the age of each branch. Thus, the young branches have oval, sessile and opposite leaves, while the older ones have arched, more petiolate, hanging and alternate leaves. It forms large flower buds in the shape of an urn, which opens above, which contains a large number of stamens. It has no petals.

The fruit is an angular capsule, embedded in the hardened calyx, and contains 3-4 cells and numerous seeds, although only 1-2 seeds in each cell mature.

It is composed of approximately three quarters of 1-8 cineol (also called eucalyptol) and alpha-pi-nene, eudesmol, camphene, 1-pinocarvone, myrtenal, carvone, sesquiterpene alcohols (eudesmol), aldehydes (butyric, valerianic and caproic) and ketones, among others. It also has tannins, ellagic acid and gallic acid, as well as 2.8 percent of a substance called «eucalyptin», with bacteriostatic effects (inhibits bacterial growth).


Eucalyptus magical and healing properties

The leaves and fruits are used. It can be prepared as an infusion, decoction or use its essential oil, which is part of numerous preparations used against coughs, bronchitis and asthma.

It is used especially for respiratory conditions and fever, as a digestive and to heal wounds.

It is a magnificent balsamic and expectorant, and stimulates the secretory cells of the bronchial mucosa. Used in bronchial asthma, the essential oil is eliminated through the lungs, exerting its antiseptic and balsamic power. It appears to be able to lower plasma sugar levels (hypoglycemic). Its tannin content makes eucalyptus a plant with astringent properties.

The essential oil is antiseptic and is recommended in the treatment of halitosis (bad breath), in the form of mouthwashes, candies and lozenges. It will be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, and if it is associated with anesthetics, analgesics and tranquilizers or homeopathic products. Its consumption is not recommended in people with epilepsy or hypertension. Let’s see, next, what is related to the eucalyptus esoteric meaning


Eucalyptus esoteric meaning

The spirit of eucalyptus wants us to awaken to our true power and envision a new way of being. Now is the time to tap into our inner resources and challenge ourselves to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way.

The fire element, associated with eucalyptus, provides the strength and purification we need to make drastic changes in our lives. It reminds us to clear our space of any clutter (physical, emotional, etc.) that may be holding us back.

Challenge: not trying to change, fear of failure prevents us from making changes, which in turn prevents us from moving forward. This can feel like we are stuck in a situation that is impossible to get out of. Now is the time to see through the illusion of feeling hopeless and helpless by taking steps to improve our selves.


Rituals with eucalyptus

healing of a sick person To ensure the speedy healing of a sick person, a cloth cushion is filled with fresh eucalyptus leaves and placed next to their bed. The leaves must be cut on Monday.

For the quick cure of a cold, it is recommended to place several green candles in one room. These candles must be rhodium-plated with eucalyptus leaves. Burn this with the candles until they are ashes visualizing the person with a cold (or yourself if you have one) completely healthy.

If you want to keep contagious diseases away from you, take several eucalyptus leaves when the Moon is waxing and place them in a small bag made of green velvet cloth. Store inside your purse or wear in a pocket.

Discourage bad vibes at work Place a eucalyptus vase in your work space to ward off deceitful or malevolent co-workers and maintain a positive work environment.

Change the water frequently for refreshing power.

When herbs wilt, bury them somewhere away from your workplace.

Use it in purification water. If you ritually clean your home, your tools, or yourself on a regular basis, try using eucalyptus leaves in purifying water.

Boil the eucalyptus leaves on the stove in a pot or cauldron. Let it cooldown. Spray the water around your home or yourself by placing your fingertips in a container of the brew, then pour the water into corners, closets, and doorways.

Store leftovers in a clear glass jar in the freezer.


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