Eternal Flowers: What are and their care

Have Eternal flowers It is one of the greatest wishes of every plant lover and, although it seems a lie, it is a reality. The flowers for a lifetime exist and, the best, do not need many care to stay by your side.

With immortal flowers you will not worry if you forget to water them or if you leave vacations for a long time, they will remain beautiful and in good condition for your return … and for several more years. And no, they are not plastic, they are natural flowers that are going through a process to stay intact, in addition, they are friendly to the environment.

This procedure intends that your flowers are much longer with you.Secret Garden / Pexels

What are eternal flowers

It's about Flowers preserved that bear the name of 'eternal' because, unlike lyophilization and drying, preservation (a stabilization process) allows them to have a more natural and lasting finish, compared to dry or dehydrated flowers that, by the way, are not recommended by Feng Shui.

This procedure intends that your flowers are much longer with you, in addition to being an excellent option to add a touch of beauty and elegance to any space. Or, well, they are a great alternative if they are barely entering the world of flowers or you don't have much time to give them daily maintenance.

The flowers are going through a process in which their sage and water are replaced by a liquid preserving.SOCIAL . CUT / UNSPLASH

What are eternal flowers and how they are made

It is a treatment that makes the appearance of flowers become fresh, it can last several years and is not complicated to perform.

Once cut, flowers are going through a process in which their sage and water are replaced by a liquid preserving. It is a biodegradable mixture composed of a 100 percent formula based on plants that allows the preserved or “eternal” flowers to remain beautiful and live for years without watering or keeping them under sunlight.