Esoteric properties and how to use gold for protection

How to use gold for protection / gold esoteric properties / esoteric jewelry The intense golden color that emanates from gold has been one of its most important attractions. For that reason, perhaps, many ancient civilizations related it to the Sun, life energy, power and fortune, as were the cases of civilization Egyptian and Greek.

The Celts, in particular, viewed gold as a natural element of extraordinary magical power. Their priests collected mistletoe with golden sickles to enhance the powers of this herb.

This custom continued, even during the Middle Ages, not only to collect mistletoe but also all projective herbs (male, positive or electric) using silver knives to collect receptive herbs (female, negative, magnetic).


How to use gold for protection

Gold has also been seen as a protective element. The pharaohs of the oldest dynasty, for example, used gold bracelets and rings six thousand years ago to ward off madness.

In the Middle Ages, the belief of wearing gold earrings in the ears to protect the eyes arose, and at all times sailors wore gold earrings to avoid shipwrecks.

Today, children in India protect themselves with tiny gold amulets. The gold crucifixes and crosses worn by Christians today are the survivors of ancient pagan customs of protection.

To use gold for protection, it is necessary to clean it with river water (be very careful with salt water) and to energize, simply expose it to the sun’s rays during the early morning for only 20 minutes.


Gold esoteric and healing properties

Gold esoteric and healing properties In this sense, there are many beliefs, such as passing the gold ring through the diseased part of the body, which is considered to contribute to its healing, and could even eradicate warts, styes, pimples and boils.

Likewise, wearing gold, especially charged gold, is thought to be helpful in relieving male sexual dysfunction (impotence).

It is also considered effective to combat livestock diseases, for which it was enough to introduce a gold object into the water where it drank during the night; that same water drunk at dawn by a child immunized him against the evil eye.

Currently, medicine does not limit its application to making dental blocks, which represent an important factor in industrial demand, but rather extends to «therapies for cancer, rheumatism (gold salts), malaria and even AIDS

In the case of cancer, gold is used from nanotechnologies (small particles) with application as a chemotherapy drug, with the property of acting only on cancer cells, avoiding eliminating the others, good or bad, as occurs in chemotherapy. current.


Gold in rituals to attract money

Because it has long been used as a medium of exchange and because of its high value, gold often figures in rituals involving money and success.

To do this, gold jewelry (rings, necklaces, etc.) is used together with green candles in order to attract a continuous flow of money to life.


How to get lucky with gold

It is important to note that any jewel or ornamental object that carries gold is a good channel of luck. In this sense, several examples are presented:

When fortune or luck is needed in financial matters, it is recommended to rub a piece of gold in the palm of the right hand, and in the palm of the left hand to seek luck in love affairs and fidelity in the couple.

When you want to win at games of chance, it is advisable to rub lottery tickets, primitive tickets or other similar games with a piece of gold one day before the draw.

It is about rubbing with the gold object in a circular way in a clockwise direction on the lottery ticket or receipt, strongly thinking that luck favors us for tomorrow.


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