Esoteric meaning of the apple and spell of the apple (rituals)

Esoteric meaning of the apple Most versions coincide in pointing to the apple as one of the first fruits known to the human race; it is believed that in the beginning of time the apple tree contained all the secrets of eternal youth, life and deathDuring pagan festivals, the apple is one of the main components in the altars dedicated to the protective spirits and the ancestors

Likewise, the apple is the favorite fruit of Changó, a Yoruba deity associated with fire and passion.

The collection of leaves and flowers will be done in spring, drying in a dark place, that of the fruit when it is fully ripe.


Apple healing properties

The apple is recommended to relieve indigestion, constipation and speed up metabolism. The infusions are indicated to cure the fever, colic and catarrh. Apple juice is prescribed to combat dysentery and indigestion

Natural apple juice can be drunk as much as you want, at any time it is a restorative and delicious drink.

Against cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc., take two cups a day of a teaspoon of dried flower mocha in infusion. The decoction of leaves, flowers and barks, two tablespoons per liter of water, is optimal for those who suffer from intestinal disorders taking two cups a day or one as a continuous laxative.

The syrup made with one part of pure apple juice for one and a half of sugar is a good fortifier for the skin, in addition to removing freckles and blemishes, applied in compresses.

The shell is widely used in poultices to reduce arthritic pains and rheumatic. It is recommended to include it in the daily diet to reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms.

The apple is a rich source of vitamin B and C, it contains pectin, silicon, potassium, sodium, iron and magnesium. Let’s see, next, the esoteric meaning of the apple.


Esoteric meaning of the apple (esoteric apple)

The apple can be considered a universal metaphor for giving and receiving love, even from a physical point of view. The pommel is a symbol of sensual love, of marriage that is consumed, of beauty, youth and fertility; In addition, at weddings, it is part of the gifts that adorn the table set for the occasion.

On a spiritual level, however, we can say that the apple comes to represent the power of love, devotion to the gods, overcoming duality and communion with the gods. In other words, our human love, even in its sensual expression, is a model for the union between a single individual and the divine.

Through numerous myths and legends from different cultures and times, the apple tree and its fruit are the representation of the archetype of the Great Mother and her triple aspects of Virgin, Mother and Elder; the apple also represents the point of fusion of matter and the sky and the apple is the celebration of this union.

Due to its spherical shape and the presence inside of the seeds of life, the apple symbolizes the cosmos and imperial power; in public appearances, Holy Roman Emperors held a scepter in their right hand and a golden apple in their left, an allegory of power. This fruit is also considered the image of the world.

In Baltic mythology, the apple is the symbol of the setting sun and one of the incarnations of the goddess Saule. In the Jewish tradition, during Rosh Hashanah, slices of apples dipped in honey are eaten, to ensure the new year prosperity.


Rituals with apple

Ritual with apple to fall in love

1 apple

1 piece of cloth.

1 paper.

1 pencil.

6 hairs of the person you want to fall in love with

6 own hairs.


This is a very complicated job, so it must be done with great care. Take an apple on a Saturday morning. Then wrap it in a rag soaked in your own blood. When it dries, wrap the apple with the cloth in a clean paper and on it write the name of the person you want to fall in love with.

Get as many as you can six hairs of the person you like and tie them to yours, so that not even combing them will come untied. After a day, cut the handful of hairs that you joined and place them inside the paper where the apple is wrapped; finally, take the apple with everything else to the oven and burn it completely. The resulting powder make it get, as you can, under the pillow of the person you want to fall in love with you.


Ritual with apple to thank for a labor of love that had an effect

1 red apple, fresh and bright.

1 red candle.


A red candle is lit at the foot of an apple of the same color. When the candle goes out, everything is abandoned in a park


apple spell

Spell with apple to fight infidelity

While it is true that jealousy can be destructive, it is also true that love inevitably leads to doubt. If we want to ensure the fidelity of the person we love, we must ensure, at all times, that they love us more than anything.

For this it will be necessary that we love her as much as we love ourselves. As a second measure, it will be necessary to understand it and help it to get what it really wants.

This ritual, which comes from the gypsy tradition, will help us to be sure of the fidelity of our partner. Knowing how important trust is, it is easy to understand that what is capable of calming jealousy will always be well received.

Required Items

A red, ripe apple

a white ribbon

An image of our couple

a white cloth

The image can be a photograph, a drawing, a piece of paper with the name of the loved one written on it, or an object that accurately represents that person. Given the repetitive nature of the ritual, it is best to resort to the second or third option.

On the tenth or twentieth of the month, take a bite out of the apple, swallowing the piece without chewing it. Tie the image of our partner to the bitten apple with the white ribbon. Wrap the apple with the white cloth, tying it like a bag. Leave the wrapped apple under the most leafy tree that we find that day and walk away from there without looking back.

During the course of the day we will not be able to go through that site again. Repeat for three months, on days ten and twenty, until you have done it six times, changing all the ingredients each time.

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Spell with apple for love to last

4 red candles

1 apple

1 extended plate, white, without drawings

Honey bee


Every Friday, for a month, you must light one of the red candles. When you turn it on, you should repeat the following:

I light this candle so that it burns all the negative that is found in my married life… (here the name of the spouse and yours), so that the bad intentions of every person, being or entity are transformed into blessings of love. I offer our Guardian Angels, Guides and Saints this apple and this clear water so that my life may be clear.

The apple is left on the plate and a little honey is put on it. Every Friday the candle is lit and the prayer is repeated. If you want to know more about the esoteric meaning of the apple, you can ask your question in the comments section.


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