Esoteric meaning of dreams (esoteric dictionary)

Esoteric meaning of dreams (esoteric) Esoteric people have a deeper insight into dreams. It is important to know the difference between the two to know what meaning of dreams you should look for.

If the meaning of dreams by science is interconnected with reality and with the experiences of the human being, the esoteric meaning provides the opposite. The meanings will not always have to do with your life or with what you have lived.

Dreams, according to esotericists, have the power to predict small fragments of our future, depending on their level of spiritual evolution. In addition, dreams can also make us aware of things that we were previously unaware of in our lives, such as when people with negative energies approach us.

Dreams can have meanings completely disconnected from what we have in reality, for example in some dreams some friends appear as relatives or vice versa. These dreams can show positive or negative presences, secret desires, secret fears or bring some revelations. Let’s see, next, the esoteric meaning of dreams according to their type.



Dreams can originate in any of our subtle bodies and have a variety of different causes, but only people with causal awareness are capable of giving accurate interpretations:

Esoteric meaning of dreams # 1 Associative dreams: Dreams are usually fluid, non-sequential and strange, especially if they are based on events related to the emotional or mental world. The physical-etheric brain has no experience of these multidimensional worlds and has great difficulty making sense of them, so it often substitutes a similar person, object, or event in an attempt to make some sense of what it perceives.

Esoteric meaning of dreams #2 Dreams symbolic: Some dreams are symbolic and occur when our guardian angel or higher (superconscious) self is trying to tell us something. This method of communication only works when the awakened consciousness is able to decipher the symbolic message; otherwise it is a waste of time. There is no universal code (or book) to interpret dreams because they are all personal and subjective.

Esoteric meaning of dreams #3 Dreams lucid: Lucid dreaming is the conscious awareness of the dream state, resulting in a much clearer or more lucid experience that sometimes allows direct control of the dream. The so-called lucidity is due to the fact that the physical brain is focused partly internally and partly externally.

Lucid dreaming is no more real than normal dreaming; in fact, it is a cross between normal sleep and reverie. Dreaming occurs when waking consciousness turns its attention inward, away from the outside world. The thread of consciousness does not come off and the emotional-mental body does not leave.

Esoteric meaning of dreams #4 Associative dreams: Prophetic dreams: Prophetic dreams or premonitions they demonstrate that our monad’s metaconsciousness has a broader range of perception than our normal waking consciousness, actually extending beyond our conception of space and time. See the section on precognition in Chapter 14 for more details.

Esoteric meaning of dreams #5 Dreams of past lives: Young children’s dreams may include memories of their past lives. The subtle bodies, being new for each incarnation, do not contain any memories of previous lives, so past life dreams originate directly from memories within the triad units or their skandhas).

Young children can access the memories of their triads, because they have not yet forgotten who they really are and do not identify with their physical bodies as most adults do.

Esoteric meaning of dreams #6 astral travel: In this type of dream the person is fully aware of what is happening (normal consciousness as in everyday life). The person knows that his material body is in the bed, and if there is a danger, the person can return to the body at any time. At the dream level, there are no longer any actions and events that are controlled by the subconscious mind.

Instead, you are in an unknown environment and you have to decide what to do and where to go: you do not have automatic actions dictated by the subconscious mind. At this level of sleep, experiments are possible. You can talk to other people, you can go wherever you want, you can even just sit and meditate.

The advantage, according to esotericism, of this type of «sleep» is obvious: at night, the person can acquire totally new experiences and can visit strange and wonderful places. It can even be a kind of free vacation. But beyond that, the person’s life takes on a deeper meaning. The person experiences transcendence and even meets old friends in the world beyond, with whom they have a deep connection.


Other aspects

esoteric meaning of dreams Temporary distortions in dreams Sometimes people have dreams that seem to last for many days or years, even though only a few minutes of physical time have passed. This is because we have nothing to objectively measure time in our subjective dream world.

Dreams like the one described above, in which a person is shot in the dream and, at the same time, woken up by a knock on the door, clearly only lasted a fraction of a second. The monad is meta-aware of the hit a fraction of a second before waking consciousness becomes aware of it, which is enough time to devise a dream that incorporates the hit.

A quick return to the physical body causes the physical body to jump or jerk as the emotional-mental body snaps back into place. In such cases, the monad usually creates a falling dream in which the impact with the ground corresponds to the emotional-mental body that fits back into the physical-etheric body. Such dreams are created in the fraction of a second that elapses between the reconnection of the thread of consciousness and the return of the subtle bodies.


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