Esoteric, magical and mystical pendulum: Divination with pendulum

Esoteric pendulum / pendulum divination / pendulum mystical and magical meaning We are always looking for answers to questions that afflict us in our daily lives or out of pure curiosity about things in life.

There are several methods to achieve these answers. One of them is the pendulum. But what is a pendulum, how does it work and how to use it? You will find out in this article.


What is the pendulum mystical and magical meaning

The pendulum is an instrument used in physics, in studies of force, weight and oscillatory movement. The physicist, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher Galileo Galilei worked hard on the properties of the pendulum. He discovered the periodicity of pendulum motion.

The esoteric pendulum is also used in dowsing, a pseudoscience that measures and investigates energy fields. Its defenders affirm that it is possible to capture energies emitted by any object. This ability would allow to find water, minerals and lost objects. In addition, according to them, the technique helps in situations such as finding the most appropriate diet and according to each organism.

The esoteric pendulum is a very old object. The first were found in Egypt more than two thousand years ago and were used by Chinese dowsers, in agriculture and to find water in underground sources.


pendulum types

There are several types of esoteric pendulum, such as the simple pendulum, Newton’s pendulum and the electrostatic pendulum.

The simple pendulum is one with a single hanging element. Newton’s pendulum is that famous system of at least five pendulums with spheres at the end, all attached to a frame. At rest, these spheres touch each other. When one of these spheres is raised, it hits the other spheres, then a continuous movement is formed that causes the last sphere to receive this energy and be thrown upwards as well. Newton’s pendulum, despite explaining some mechanical concepts, is widely used as a decorative object.

The electrostatic pendulum is used to indicate whether a body is electrified. It consists of a sphere made of a light material (for example, polystyrene foam) covered with a layer of graphite. In the electrostatic pendulum, the material is suspended by an insulating (silk) wire, which is attached to a rod.


Esoteric pendulum: Divination with pendulum

In this article, you will learn how this powerful object works to help in the search for answers to life’s questions, whether sentimental, at work or in any question that generates doubts or in which you need a light to make decisions or know. about the future. The pendulum works like an oracle. Its working mechanism is to give the answers through its movements while capturing energy.

How does it work

Using the pendulum is not very complicated, but it does require following some rules. Try to be in a calm environment, without turbulence and feel comfortable. Do a little meditation or prayer to relax and find the necessary concentration. Avoid being tired or mentally unbalanced.

For beginners, it is best to use a simple pendulum (for more reliable answers, the metal pendulum, with or without glass inside, is said to be the most recommended). Hold the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, firmly so it doesn’t fall off, but loosely so the energy can flow.

You need to mentally formulate a question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer. For this, it is necessary to be extremely focused and try to ask questions as objectively as possible, so that you have more accurate answers. Try not to guess the answer, as it may influence the result, giving you an answer that may not be true.

How to ask the questions

There are several rules for the pendulum ritual. Here we will introduce one of them, but it does not mean that it is the only way, so it is worth researching and finding one that suits you. Generally, when you buy the pendulum in specialized stores, you are given guidance on how to use it.

In theory, anyone has the power to manipulate a pendulum. But, for that, it is necessary that they are receptive and in a state of balance and inner peace, with their minds empty of any thought that takes away their concentration.

Before you begin, place the materials that will be used on a table (try to leave the table free for these items only). Relax and relax, get rid of thoughts and emotions, especially negative ones (which can “weigh” on the pendulum). In general, try to remain calm, focused and neutral (neutrality is essential to avoid any interference in the response), without hindrance. In this way, the pendulum will receive the appropriate energy and will indicate the correct direction.

How to interpret yes and no

According to some experts, each person instinctively chooses the tuning method to decode yes and no (the movement will always be opposite. For example, if the pendulum rotates clockwise to indicate «yes», «no» should be indicated by rotating counterclockwise.

According to other experts, the movements are already established, as in a manual. Therefore, each movement already represents an answer: YES, turn clockwise or vertically; NO: Rotate counterclockwise or move horizontally. If the pendulum makes elliptical (in any direction) or transverse movements, it means that the question was not well thought out, it was not precise or there is something that interferes with the answer.

To avoid any errors in the forecast, or if you still have doubts about how to proceed, the ideal is to look for people with experience in the subject (for example, tarologists, astrologers, vibrational therapists, psychics, dowsers, Reiki masters) who will help you find the answers in the right way and get the expected result, so that you can achieve your goals and be very successful.


esoteric pendulum in acupuncture

Pendulums are one of the tools used in esoteric acupuncture. They are often used as tools for inner growth and in various spiritual healing modalities. A pendulum can come in many forms, quite simply, it is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain. Traditionally jewelry such as rings or pendants were attached to a chain and used for dowsing, however dowsing has also been performed using wands and a range of other tools.

Today pendulums can be made from a wide variety of materials ranging from wood to metal or glass to rock. It is quite common to find beautifully carved and faceted crystal pendulums with a chain already attached and ready to use.

The dowsing It has been used historically to locate lost objects, discover water, discover minerals or metals, and help make decisions. There are many methods you can use to dowse with a pendulum and these can range from simple use to more elaborate rituals, however the simplest method is to hold the string of the pendulum and ask your higher self a question.

There are some simple steps to use a pendulum:

Clear your mind and focus.
Hold the pendulum, relax and tune in/tune in to the pendulum
Ask your question or begin your dowsing by holding the pendulum over each chakra.

Pendulums swing in four main ways, back and forth, side to side, clockwise, and counterclockwise, and represent primary responses of yes, no, or maybe/unknown. Depending on the dowsing system you are using, the individual dowser and the method you are using may change the signal you get to yes, no, or maybe. Before you begin, figure out which address is a «yes» for you, which address is a «no,» and finally an «unknown.» A common pattern would be clockwise for yes, counterclockwise for no, and vertical/horizontal swings for unknown.

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Within an esoteric acupuncture session, pendulum placement is used to determine which of your body’s chakras are «closed» and out of alignment or «open» and out of alignment.

Chakra dowsing is one of the first steps in esoteric acupuncture to discover which chakras are out of alignment. The practitioner will hold the pendulum over each chakra to see if it rotates clockwise or counterclockwise and note how many chakras need work or correction. Once this is established, you can choose specific balancing patterns to open and bring all chakras back into balance. This could be a specific chakra balancing pattern or a new special esoteric acupuncture coding pattern, such as the esoteric heart Shao Yin pattern below:

After removing the chakras and choosing the appropriate esoteric acupuncture patterns, specific tuning forks are chosen and used on the body. These relate to individual chakras that are out of alignment and help restore balance and influence finer energies using sounds as healing.

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Once the esoteric acupuncture patterns have realigned the chakras and this has been verified with an esoteric pendulum, a discussion of the importance of each chakra is useful to help determine if there is a specific cause or reason why certain chakras may become misaligned. regularly. This could be something as simple as self-censorship and not expressing yourself and causing problems with the throat chakra. This Tarot track is used for direction and guidance at the end of each session at Mornington Chinese Medicine


clean the pendulum

It is very important, in the case that an esoteric quartz pendulum is used, that it be cleaned before being used. To do this, this instrument must be covered with sea salt and then removed from the surface. Finally, it should be left overnight in the open. Once this process is done, it should be prevented from being touched by other people.

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There is a direct relationship between the weight of the pendulum and the length of the string.

A light pendulum (between 25 and 35 grams) is preferable.

Remember that practice makes perfect. The technique of reading or interpretation must be carried out with certain frequency and with seriousness.


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