With a passionate kiss in the car, Epa Colombia and his girlfriend Diana Celis They confirm that the time they had given each other is over and they are together again. Long live love!
One of the most stable couples of the new show business of social networks is the one formed by the influencer Epa Colombia and the forward of Independiente Santa Fe, Diana Celis, who have been together for six years, were engaged to marry and even planned to have a child.
However, long relationships are complicated and sometimes it is better to give yourself some time, as the soccer player revealed that they had done. After a few weeks during which alleged hints were exchanged through their social networks, even with singing included, apparently the girls managed to settle their differences and love triumphed, for now.
The reconciliation between Epa Colombia and his girlfriend Diana Celis
A kiss sealed the reconciliation between Daneidy Barrera Rojas and her great love. Through her stories on her Instagram account epa_keratinas100k, Epa shared a couple of videos in which she is seen in the car with Diana Celis, who is driving, and while reggaeton plays in the background Pleaseapproaches the young woman and chants a passionate kiss on her lips.
What do you think of the reconciliation of Epa Colombia with his girlfriend? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!
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