Enough of complaining: your inner peace depends on you – Online Psychologists

The inner peace is, today, a luxuryWe live in a society in which we are forced to lead a very hectic lifestyle. We don't stop, work, university, gym, activities or courses outside of working hours…We have no time to breathe.

We are so used to living this pace of life that when we take a few minutes for ourselves we end up feel guilty. When we have a little time we think that we should be doing something more productive. However, there comes a time when we must know how to stop. One has to put a limit to the daily pressure that we suffer day by day and learn to say “so far”.

We have to learn to take care of ourselves a little. Get away from pressures, even if only for a few minutes, and dedicate ourselves to building our inner peace. Rediscovering inner peace is essential for our well-being. welfare and happiness. Therefore, we must be aware that it is okay to relax, take a break or reorder our priorities, that is, essential.

What is inner peace?

We must not confuse peace with tranquility. We are sold the idea that being at peace with yourself is being calm, something we can access in a simple way. It is clear that tranquility is something that is needed today and is important, but it is not the inner peace that we truly need.

Inner peace is a subjective sensation. An arbitrary impression of well-being, is abstract and you can't touch it but it's so real that it fills us with a deep tranquility. A state in which we are free from all our worries, fears, stress or suffering. But inner peace involves much more than all this. It also implies that we are aware of all the good that life offers us and makes us feel connected to the universe and with ourselves.

That feeling of calm when we stop fighting negative thoughts, that is inner peace. This does not mean that they do not exist, it simply means that They stop dominating us and hurt ourselves because of the indifference we show towards them. It is a state in which we distance ourselves mentally and emotionally from our daily problems. That is, we assume a psychological distance to enjoy the serenity.

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How to find inner peace?

There are a series of keys that will help you find your inner peace:

  • Inhale love and exhale peace. Leading a busy life causes us problems such as anxiety and stress. It is important that we learn techniques to learn to breathe in the right way. If we do this, we will be sending a signal to our brain that we are calm and everything is okay.
  • ExerciseSport brings us many benefits, not only physically but also mentally. When we feel good about our body, we also feel good about our mind.
  • Worry about what is truly important. Don't dwell on things that no longer have a solution. Focus only on the problems you can solve. Learn to worry about what is truly important.
  • Create a positive environment in your life. Avoid bad energies, surround yourself with the people and things that you like. make you feel good. This way your body, mind and environment will be in balance.
  • Learn to tolerate uncertainty. Human beings want to have everything under control. However, we have to learn that we cannot. Life is characterized by being full of unexpected events. We have to learn to accept things as they are and face them when they come, not before.
  • Think positive. Your mood will depend on your positive attitude. If you have a positive attitude about things and learn to get the good out of the bad, your mood will be positive.
  • Learn to overcome. Life is full of painful things. Feeling pain is natural, we are human for a reason. But don't stay anchored to it, move forward in your life. Don't let that bad experience get you down. The time It will help you get used to it, it won't cure you, but it will make you stronger.
  • RestGetting the necessary hours of sleep is important to be well rested. It will help us feel better.
  • Self-love. Love yourself because if you don't love yourself, no one else will. Learn to respect you and love you just the way you arewith your defects and virtues. Each person is unique and our characteristics make us specials.
  • Meditate. Think and reflect on the different thoughts that go through your head. Judge for yourself if you should change that way of thinking in order to improve your well-being.
  • Have some valuesTo lead a full life we ​​must have values ​​that are compatible with it. They are the ones that give meaning to our life and define us as people. Our actions will depend on the values ​​we have.
  • Control your vocabulary. When you talk to people, think carefully about what you say. We often talk thinking we are joking. However, the other person may take it badly.
  • Be grateful and generous. Share with others. Not just things, but also experiences and moments, will help you feel fulfilled. Thank you everything from people who do good to you, and they will thank you for it. You know what the saying goes, “it is well born to be grateful.”
  • Learn to forgive. Forgive yourself and others. The act of forgiving makes us best people. Resentment doesn't get us anywhere, it only leads us to feeling bitter. Of course, giving second chances or forgiving doesn't mean we're stupid. Give that chance when you think it's appropriate.

Live like the protagonist of your day to day, enjoy it. Learn from the good and the bad, from things, from experiences and from people. Fill your life with experiences, but also give yourself the opportunity to breathe, to calm down and find your inner peace.

In we have a network of online psychologists that will help you find your inner peace. If you are in a stressful situation where you are not able to take your time, ask for help. We give you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and find your vital balance.