Enemies according to the Zodiac, do you know yours?

Have you thought about what sign that person you hate or who hates you could be? We are going to tell you what your enemies according to the zodiac here and you will surely be surprised.

Surely many times you have wanted to know which is the most dangerous sign when you get angry or those that can potentially become the ones you collide with the most.

We have decided to put together a top that is part of the analysis of the characteristics of each sign. As you know, each of the 12 acts differently in a given situation. At some point we showed you the worst signs of the zodiac and now, we want you to read carefully so that you understand why each sign tends to have conflicts with another. Also analyze how likely they are to fight with your partner’s sign.

Know your enemy according to the zodiac sign


The Aries have a very dangerous natural enemy, the scorpio. They have a reputation for being very spiteful. Basically if you do them an affront they will return it to you multiplied by three, in the worst of times and when you least expect it. Since you like things up front, they will try to act in a sneaky way. They are two aggressive horoscopes, but in completely opposite ways. You will undoubtedly end up fighting with them over some nonsense that will be unforgivable to both of you.


A Taurus will always end up suspicious of Gemini. Their nature allows them to manipulate the impressions of others, causing them to alter their perceptions of you and destroy you from within. Finally no one will be able to trust you, because their ability knows no limits. And the worst thing is that their nature is unpredictable, so you will never know when you have offended them. Finally, you will choose to keep them as far away as possible, in order to avoid their media pressure and, of course, you will do well.


You are a person who loves society above all things. For you, giving yourself a choice between a crowded bathroom and a closed and lonely space is stupid. Clearly you were born to speak. That’s why a Capricorn It is the least you can bear. They refuse to listen to you and act like they know absolutely everything, even though you know they don’t. They end up thinking that you have a problem for being boring and annoying, but it’s still up to you to have the last word.

The enemy according to the zodiac sign for Cancer

Who better than a Sagittarius to get you out of your boxes? They are predestined to be a couple and, as a consequence of this, for that person to destroy your heart. Without a doubt, that will provoke your hatred, even if it is not reciprocal. They are people of convincing nature and that will make everyone believe them. If by any chance you end up falling out with one, it will simply end up making you look like the bad guy. Even if you end up discovering evidence that incriminates them.


Although the virginal does not sound pure, the truth is that this Virgo For you, it will only be pure hatred. They are two signs destined to fight for power, since both are charismatic people who yearn for success above others. Again they have opposing positions, because while you want a blind faith, they claim only the supreme perfection. And the problem will arise when something you have done does not seem «perfect» to them. The battle will be served right at that moment.

Enemies according to the Zodiac for Virgo

The Cancer of society so are those of that sign for you. They are unpredictable, reckless. Their actions are usually somewhat a cluster of randomness that end up demoralizing someone like you, who is always looking for stability. But you have the perfect recipe, get as far away from them as possible so that your world returns to perfect stability. It’s not that you’re classist, it’s that you love the correct order of things. They with their chaos, you with the opposite.


They have it written in their name: you must get rid of the Pound. You have always thought that they were hiding something, that their intentions are not clear. Not that they really show it, they may never do it, but they radiate that halo that makes it impossible for you to decipher. You just push them away from your side to avoid a possible stab wound. Prevention is always better than cure and, above all things, you hate falsehood and sneak attacks. If they ever show you later that they are not, you may give them a chance.


Aquarium. That is the proper name of your biggest problems. You usually get along with everyone but you expect praise from everyone for the simple and simple fact that you deserve it. They’re not like that, you don’t know why, but they never tell you what you should hear. Finally they end up being your secret enemies, a buried and latent hatred that makes them never go from theory to friendship. But you clearly know that it’s his fault, for not appreciating you in your fair measure.


you may not know yet what does the sagittarius sign mean or that you have never managed to understand how people can love someone so lazy and boring. Always ready to annoy you in your work, they end up being stones in your shoe, so you will be constantly waiting for the possibility of abandoning them. This will be the perfect description of the Taurus, your natural enemies. The problem is that they will not confront you in any way, they will simply act as if you have been spatially ostracized. You have died to them and do not exist.


If there’s one thing you can’t stand, it’s ineptitude. When someone is not worth something, they should simply give way to the competent. And that is what should happen with the Pisces. You always end up having to take care of their work, so they naturally piss you off. If they at least had the decency to acknowledge it, it would at least be an acknowledgment on your part. But in the end it only serves to make you work more than necessary and end up hating them.

Enemies according to the Zodiac for Aquarium

Your natural enemies are Leo. They always tend to be the leaders of the group, to occupy the best positions and try to compete with you. The problem is that you know that you are much better than them at everything, so it will seem unfair if they try to outdo you at something and succeed. In the end, everything will be a matter of objectivity, because even if you hate them, deep down they are both very similar. Something that NEVER AGAIN you will recognize in public, of course.


Although you are a free, delicate and sociable person, you always manage to find a Aries that breaks your peace. They are aggressive, explosive and passionate, but not only in the good sense of the word. Finally, his caustic way of defending what is his will make you jump out of your peace of mind to rebel against these dictators of what is theirs. You don’t like it, but you know how to change the velvet for the bulletproof vest if necessary. Except for this you deserve heaven.

Did you feel identified with your enemies according to the Zodiac? Do you really consider that your enemy is the sign you expected? We want to know your answers! Leave them in the comments of the note and don’t forget to share it on your social networks, your friends will love it.