End-stage renal failure in dogs: 3 symptoms explained

A complete failure of the kidney function in dogs is usually one acute or chronic renal failure in advance.

In addition to the classic signs of kidney failure, there are other symptoms of end-stage kidney failure in dogs.

In this article you will find out what these are, how kidney failure generally progresses, treatment options and how you can help your dog.

What are the symptoms of a dog with end-stage renal failure?

Dogs in end-stage renal failure will exhibit symptoms such as strong bad breath, epileptic seizures and disturbances of consciousness on.

Strong bad breath

In the final stages of kidney failure, the dog stops urinating and can no longer detoxify its body.

This develops a unpleasant bad breath smelling strongly of urine.

As a result, this can mouth infections lead, which among other things with pale mucous membranes and greasy coverings express on the teeth.

Epileptic seizures and muscle spasms

Due to the failure of the kidney function, the dog’s body is no longer detoxified, it poisons itself, so to speak.

This intoxication (poisoning) is the cause of seizures or one epilepsy.

disturbances of consciousness

The lack of kidney function is also responsible for disturbances of consciousness. In the worst case, these can even lead to one coma of the dog.

Disorders of consciousness include Movement and coordination disorders, behavior changes, loss of sight or hearingbut also incomplete paralysis or head tilt.

Stages of renal insufficiency briefly explained

Renal insufficiency is reported in dogs in four stages divided, on the one hand on the remaining functionality the kidneys and on the other hand via the values ​​measured in the blood creatinine level define.

creatinine is a metabolite, which is excreted through the kidneys. The higher the creatinine level, the less functional the kidneys are.

Stage I

In the first stage, the creatinine value is at below 125 micromoles per liter of blood. The kidney tissue is still closed 100 to 33 percent functional.

This stage usually shows up without any other symptoms. The kidneys can temporarily increase their performance threefold and thus even out.

stage II

In the second stage are still 33 to 25 percent the kidneys are functional, the creatinine value is at 125 to 180 micronsl per liter of blood.

At this stage, the kidneys can no longer completely compensate. First symptoms like increased thirst and urination occur.

Stage III

A creatinine value of 181 to 440 micronsl per liter of blood defines the third stage of renal insufficiency. Here are still 21 to 10 percent of the renal tissue functional.

In the third stage, one already speaks of moderate renal failure with increasing symptoms. The Blood urea concentration increases.

The breath smelling of urine is one of the most noticeable symptoms that appear from this stage.

But also Loss of appetite, tiredness, listlessness and sinking energy belong next to frequent vomiting and weight loss to the external symptoms.

Stage IV

The fourth stage is that too final stage of renal insufficiency, the so-called end-stage renal failure.

This is where kidney function comes in 0 to 10 percent with a creatinine value of over 441 micromoles per liter of blood.

In the course of further secondary diseases such as anemia and a impaired bone metabolism the rule.

End-stage renal failure is considered untreatable.

How can I support my dog ​​in end-stage kidney failure?

Unfortunately, there are very few options for you to do something for your dog.

In the final stages, your dog will probably not eat much.

It’s a little tricky getting your dog all the essential nutrients without ingesting substances that put additional strain on the kidneys.

The lining should be special tasty and energetic be.

Proteins are not harmful even in the case of renal insufficiency, but should be avoided in the final stages.

Kidney-friendly feed is also low in phosphates, potassium, sodium and magnesium.

Since sick dogs also drink less, should No dry food at all become.

Depending on the general condition of your dog and / or other secondary diseases, you should seriously ask yourself whether it is time to put your dog to sleep.

However, show your dog that you are there for him until his last day.

What are the treatment options for dogs with end-stage kidney failure?

In order to protect the kidney tissue that is still present, ACE inhibitors (antihypertensive) and blood circulation-enhancing agents administered to facilitate the filtering of the residual tissue.

It also plays an important role Nourishment which is best done in consultation with the treating veterinarian.

Good to know

Dialysis (blood washing) is also possible for dogs.

However, the procedure is very expensive and is only used when there is a chance of recovery, which is usually not the case with end-stage kidney failure.

Is There a Cure for End-Stage Kidney Failure in Dogs?

Unfortunately, chronic kidney failure cannot be cured.

In the final stage, it depends on how much of the tissue is still functional in order to to delay the further course of the disease.

In the final stage, the functionality of the kidneys is between 0 and 10 percent.

How long can a dog with end-stage renal failure live?

If your dog has already been diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure, you should accept that your dog may only have a few weeks or months to live.

The length of time also depends on the general condition and secondary diseases of your dog.


Kidney failure can affect almost any dog. Prevention and early detection are all the more important.

Chronic kidney failure cannot be cured, but if it is recognized and treated early enough, you can still spend many happy years with your loved one.

However, if the end stage of kidney failure is reached, you should think of your dog first and seriously consider euthanizing.

Have you ever had the experience that your dog had kidney failure – maybe even in the final stages? Feel free to share your story with us!