Encountering dogs: Don’t panic

It is particularly important to make these rules understandable to children, preferably at the beginning without a dog. In many ways, children are unpredictable little people for dogs: they often play very loudly, run wild and make hectic, unusual movements. One of the most important rules is: children and dogs should never be together without adult supervision!

Most accidents happen with dogs from the family or circle of acquaintances. Familiarity often causes children (and adults) to forget important rules of conduct. Children should learn how to treat dogs with respect and show consideration for them. This includes that dogs are not stuffed animals that are always available.

In order to ensure safety and in the interest of the dog, there should always be an undisturbed retreat for the animal. Children should also learn that strange dogs in particular should be treated with a lot of respect, since not every dog ​​behaves like your own.

Absolutely taboo when children and dogs meet:

  • Running towards or away from the dog: This can trigger anxiety or hunting behavior in the dog.
  • ball games: The dog is pushed very high by chasing after it, there is a risk that it will snap with excitement.
  • tug of war Pulling on a stick or rope together can get the dog very excited, possibly even making him defend the toy.
  • Racing Games: These games get the dog in the hunt mood.
  • Shouting: Loud screaming can frighten the dog.
  • Disturb: Never disturb dogs while sleeping, eating or playing.

Accidents mostly happen with well-known dogs, regardless of breed. It has been scientifically proven that the potential danger of dogs depends on learning experiences and not on breed characteristics. State-specific breed lists convey a false sense of security, discriminate against innocent dogs and their owners and ignore any scientific and statistical basis!

The problem is always at the other end of the line. therefore demands strict punishments, such as an immediate ban on keeping animals, for conspicuous (i.e. irresponsible) dog owners.