Emotional stress: What is it and how to manage it? – Online Psychologists

If we add the hectic pace of life at responsibilities The result of daily stress is huge amounts of stress. The weight of this feeling can cause a decrease in productivity, as well as many other consequences that can lead to the development of emotional stress.

When we talk about emotional stress we refer to an overload of stress that can be caused by unpleasant events, but also by the sum of negative emotions.

The accumulation of stressful stimuli can cause the appearance of psychological fatigueThis situation, prolonged over time, puts a burden on your body and mind, to the point of leading to more serious problems such as depression.

These are the different levels of emotional stress

Emotional stress is necessary and helps us adapt to risk situations. Our alarm reaction is usually in line with the danger we sense. These are the different emotional stress levels that we can find:

  • Acute stress: This is the most common type of stress. It occurs at specific times and its effects are short-term. Events such as a car accident or skydiving are examples of causes of this acute emotional stress. The suffering of this stress, and its consequences, end when we are in a friendly and safe environment. From then on, the body enters into relaxation.
  • Episodic acute stress: As its name suggests, this is stress that appears frequently. It occurs when we experience several episodes of extreme emotional stress. The person who suffers from this type of stress usually has high self-demands and responsibilities override them.
  • Chronic stress: the origin of chronic stress lies in the fact that problems persist over time. It is produced by states of high negative emotional charge such as extreme poverty, dysfunctional families or periods of unhappiness in the couple.

Acute stress, in small doses, is an emotion that can have positive consequences. In the right amount, it excites us and motivates us.

In contrast, the other two categories of emotional stress are accompanied by problems and emotional imbalances. Prolonged negative experiences can change our way of seeing the world. Apathy and anger will be two feelings that are constantly present.

If this is your situation, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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What are the main symptoms?

  • Physical alarmsThe body warns us that stress is taking its toll on us through somatization: exhaustion is usually the main warning at a physical level. Other symptoms may include gastrointestinal disorders, a weaker immune system (increasing the chances of suffering from flu) or chest discomfort.
  • Emotional symptoms of stress. The pleasure or happiness you experienced when pursuing your passions disappears completely. The usual mood is one of sadness, with small amounts of anger, and apathy is noticeable. In terms of relationships, sexual appetite is alarmingly reduced.

How do I overcome emotional stress?

The magic formula capable of eliminating stress and worries has not yet been found. Problems and responsibilities will always be housed in a part of the brain, even if you don't want to pay much attention to them.

However, there are some tips that can help you reduce their control over you:

  • Slow down the pace: Eliminate the noise and focus on finding the source of the problem. Blaming yourself for having a normal problem will not solve anything. Disregarding your emotions only prevents you from seeing the pain and finding a solution.
  • Recognize the reason for the problem: Identify the real stressor. In this way, by being clear about what is causing you to become unstable, you will know how to respond to prevent certain situations. You will be able to design a rescue plan for the future. It will also be valuable to identify the personal characteristics that cause vulnerability to certain situations.
  • Review and modify your routine:Daily activities are a key factor, especially in cases of prolonged stress. One way to clear your mind is to incorporate physical activities into your routine, socialize with people, or take care of your eating and resting habits.
  • Ask for help: There is nothing wrong with speaking up and asking for help when we are in the middle of the darkness. It is an act of courage, even though society has tried to impose the view that asking for help is something that is typical of the weak.

We must be able to mastering emotional stress and those situations that can cause us a problem. In that last piece of advice about asking for help, a friend or family member can give it to you. Although it is always positive to contact a professional psychologist.

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