EMDR therapy to combat anxiety – Online Psychologists

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a technique used to treat various disorders, including anxiety. This type of therapy, increasingly known but with much still to learn, is based on the idea that unprocessed traumatic memories may be at the root of many psychological disorders, including anxiety.

In the following article we explain the benefits of EMDR therapy to combat anxiety.

Why use EMDR therapy for anxiety?

EMDR therapy is effective in combating anxiety because focuses on processing traumatic memories that may be at the root of the anxiety disorderWhen a person experiences a traumatic event, the memory of that event can become trapped in the brain and not be processed properly. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.

EMDR therapy helps process these traumatic memories through bilateral stimulation, which can be through eye movements, sounds or touches. This stimulation helps desensitize the traumatic memory and replace it with a positive memory or a pleasant feeling.

In addition, it helps the patient develop coping skills to handle stressful situations and anxiety in general. Through the therapeutic process, the patient can develop a greater resilience and self-confidencewhich can further reduce anxiety symptoms.

In short, this type of therapy is effective in combating anxiety because addresses underlying traumatic memories that may be causing the disorder. By helping the patient process these memories and develop coping skills, EMDR therapy can significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

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Phases of EMDR therapy to combat anxiety

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases that you have to go through to combat anxiety. They are the following:

1. Medical history and therapeutic objectives

In this phase, the therapist conducts a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history to understand the nature and origin of his or her anxiety. therapeutic objectives specific for treatment.

2. Preparation

The therapist explains to the patient how EMDR therapy works, what the goal of the treatment is, and what to expect during the process. He also teaches relaxation techniques to help you manage any distress that may arise during therapy.

3. Evaluation of objective memory

In this third phase, the therapist helps the patient to identify the specific traumatic memory that is causing your anxiety. It also assesses the intensity of the anxiety the patient feels when thinking about that memory.

4. Desensitization

After having explained how the therapy works, the therapist stimulates the brain of the patient bilaterally while focusing on the traumatic memory. Bilateral stimulation can be through eye movements, sounds or touchesThis helps to desensitize the traumatic memory and reduce the intensity of the anxiety that the patient feels when remembering it.

5. Installing a positive memory

The therapist will help the patient toidentify a positive memory or a pleasant sensation that can counteract the traumatic memory. In addition, the patient will be guided to concentrate on this memory or sensation while being stimulated bilaterally. The goal is for the positive memory to be associated with a feeling of security and tranquility, so that it can replace the traumatic memory in the patient's mind.

6. Resistance exploration

In this phase any resistance the patient may have to the therapeutic process will be explored. Resistance may manifest as denial, minimization or avoidance of the traumatic memoryThe therapist will help the patient identify and process these resistances so that they can continue to move forward in treatment.

7. Evaluation of the outcome of the therapy

The patient and the therapist will evaluate the results of therapy. He or she will ask the patient how he or she feels about the traumatic memory and whether he or she has experienced any significant changes in his or her anxiety or ability to handle stressful situations. If necessary, The previous phases can be repeated to achieve more effective results.

8. Consolidation of results and planning of treatment follow-up

Finally, they will work together to consolidate the results obtained during treatment and plan follow-up. The therapist will provide the patient with strategies to sustain positive changes and manage future challenges. Plans for future therapy sessions will also be discussed if necessary.

In general, each phase of EMDR therapy is important to achieve effective results. Through a structured and systematic approach, Patients can work with their therapist to process traumatic memories and overcome the anxiety associated with these memories.

Benefits of using EMDR therapy with anxiety problems

  • Decrease in symptoms: EMDR therapy can help reduce anxiety symptoms by working on the root of the problem and not just the surface symptoms. By processing the traumatic memories that underlie anxiety, patients can experience a decrease in the intensity and frequency of their symptoms.
  • Greater self-esteem: EMDR can also help improve the patient's self-esteem, as it allows them to free yourself from negative emotions and limiting beliefs associated with trauma. By processing and releasing these emotions, the patient can feel more self-assured and develop greater confidence in their skills and abilities.
  • Greater ability to handle stress: EMDR can help the patient develop a greater ability to handle stress and difficult situations by providing tools to deal with negative emotions. and reduce anxiety associated with trauma. By learning to regulate emotions and develop strategies to manage stressthe patient may feel more empowered to cope with challenging situations in the future.
  • Improved quality of life: Finally, it helps to improve the patient's quality of life, by allowing him or her to overcome the trauma and reduce the associated anxiety symptoms. By freeing himself or herself from the negative emotions associated with the trauma, the patient can experience a greater sense of well-being and enjoy a fuller, more satisfying life.

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